# for testing only
set -o pipefail
shopt -s expand_aliases
alias die = 'EXIT=$? LINE=$LINENO error_exit'
trap die ERR
function error_exit( ) {
MSG = " \e[91mERROR: \e[93m $EXIT @ "
if [ -z " $REASON " ] ; then
MSG = " $MSG $LINE : "
REASON = "Unknown failure occured."
MSG = " $MSG `echo $(( $LINE - 1 )) `: "
echo -e " $MSG \e[97m $REASON \e[39m\e[49m "
exit $EXIT
function cleanup( ) {
popd >/dev/null
rm -rf $TMP
trap cleanup EXIT
TMP = ` mktemp -d`
pushd $TMP >/dev/null
VMID = $( cat<<EOF | python3
import json
with open( '/etc/pve/.vmlist' ) as vmlist:
vmids = json.load( vmlist)
if 'ids' not in vmids:
print( 100)
else :
last_vm = sorted( vmids[ 'ids' ] .keys( ) ) [ -1:] [ 0]
print( int( last_vm) +1)
echo -e "Getting latest HAOS Info \n"
URL = $( cat<<EOF | python3
import requests
url = 'https://api.github.com/repos/home-assistant/hassos/releases/latest'
r = requests.get( url) .json( )
if 'message' in r:
exit( )
for asset in r[ 'assets' ] :
if asset[ 'name' ] .endswith( 'qcow2.xz' ) :
print( asset[ 'browser_download_url' ] )
if [ -z " $URL " ] ; then
echo "Github has returned an error. A rate limit may have been applied to your connection. Please wait a while, then try again."
exit 1
echo -e "Downloading HAOS \n"
wget -q --show-progress $URL
FILE = $( basename $URL )
echo -e "\n Extracting HAOS \n"
xz -d $FILE
echo -e "Creating new HAOS VM \n"
qm create $VMID -agent 1 -bios ovmf -cores 2 -memory 4096 -bootdisk scsi0 \
-efidisk0 local:vm-${ VMID } -disk-0,size= 128K \
-name haos -net0 virtio,bridge= vmbr0 \
-onboot 1 -ostype l26 -scsi0 local:vm-${ VMID } -disk-1,size= 32G \
-scsihw virtio-scsi-pci && \
pvesm alloc local $VMID vm-${ VMID } -disk-0 128 1>& /dev/null && \
qm importdisk $VMID ${ FILE % ".xz" } local 1>& /dev/null
echo -e " Completed Successfully, New VM ID is $VMID \n "