You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

313 lines
11 KiB

8 months ago
# Version 4.0
import os, re, sys, time
import splunk
import splunk.bundle as bundle
import splunk.Intersplunk as si
import splunk.util as util
import as tu
MAX_SEARCH_COMPLEXITY = 1000 # at most N search terms.
def log(msg):
pass #print msg
def escVal(val):
return str(val).replace('\\', '\\\\').replace('"', '\\"')
def isTrue(s):
s = s.lower().strip()
return s.startswith("t") or s.startswith("y") or s.startswith("1")
## [purchase]
## maxspan = 10m
## maxpause = 5m
## fields = userid
## maxevents = 1000
## fields=host,cookie
## startswith=<transam-filter-string>
## endswith=<transam-filter-string>
## connected=<bool>
## maxopentxn=<int>
## maxopenevents=<int>
## keepevicted=<bool>
## mvlist=<bool>|<field-list>
## delim=<string>
def getTransactionInfo(tname, **kwargs):
config = bundle.getConf('transactiontypes', **kwargs)
if tname not in config:
raise Exception("Unknown transactiontype: %s" % (tname))
stanza = config[tname]
if 'fields' not in stanza:
raise Exception("Transactiontype has no fields: %s" % (tname))
field_str = stanza['fields']
fields = re.split("[ ,]+", field_str)
base_search = '*'
if 'search' in stanza:
base_search = stanza['search']
maxspan = None
if "maxspan" in stanza:
maxspan = convertSpanToSecs(stanza["maxspan"])
log("FIELDS: %s" % fields)
return base_search, fields, maxspan
def convertSpanToSecs(span):
#maxspan = [<integer> s|m|h|d]
m ="(\d+)([smhd])", span)
if m == None:
return None
val, units = m.groups()
val = int(val)
if units == "m":
val *= 60
elif units == "h":
val *= 60 * 60
elif units == "d":
val *= 24 * 60 * 60
return val
def disjunctify(q):
## 'from="david carasso" to=amrit OR to=deep delay>4 AND delay<10 NOT subject=*erik* (rotsky OR rosensteel)'
## =====>
## '(from="david carasso") OR (to=amrit) OR (to=deep) OR (delay>4) OR (delay<10) OR (NOT subject=*erik*) OR ((rotsky OR rosensteel))'
return " OR ".join(["(%s)" % term for term in tu.tokenize(q) if term not in ['OR','AND']])
# if popularity of term > N, just assume it's N to limit the cost of getting the most restrictive item
# if a term is rare than this, screw it, just use it rather than spending time figuring out less popular terms
def termPopularity(term, **kwargs):
return"search %s|fields|head %s" % (term, MAX_POPULARITY_EFFORT), **kwargs)
def getMostRestrictiveTerm(q, **kwargs):
tokens = tu.tokenize(q)
if len(tokens) < 2:
return q
mostRestrictive = None
smallestCount = 99999999999
for term in tokens:
if term not in ['OR','AND']:
count = termPopularity(term, **kwargs)
log("term: %s count: %s" % (term, count))
if count < smallestCount:
smallestCount = count
mostRestrictive = term
log("term %s is rare enough (%s) to use and break early." % (term, count))
return mostRestrictive
def findTransaction(tname, tconstraint, useORs, eventsOnly, maxTerms, messages, **kwargs):
base_search, fields, maxspan = getTransactionInfo(tname, **kwargs)
if maxspan == None:
si.addWarnMessage(messages, "Add a maxspan contraint to the %s transactiontype definition to improve performance. Searching over all time for transitive values." % tname)
log("MAXSPAN: %s" % maxspan)
# require one field in transaction definition
fieldsearch = " OR ".join(["%s=*" % field for field in fields])
initialConstraint = tconstraint
if useORs:
## forces an OR of terms. slow and unnessary
## initialConstraint = disjunctify(tconstraint)
# get the most restrictive term in the search and use that as the initial constrait to find events
restrictiveTerm = getMostRestrictiveTerm(tconstraint, **kwargs)
log("MOST RESTRICTIVE: %s" % restrictiveTerm)
initialConstraint = restrictiveTerm
# e.g., "sourcetype=sendmail" + "from=amrit" + "(qid=* OR mid=* OR pid=*)"
index_search = "search (%s) (%s) (%s)" % (base_search, initialConstraint, fieldsearch)
log("INDEX SEARCH: %s" % index_search)
field_list_str = " ".join(fields)
max_combos = maxTerms / len(fields)
log("MAX_COMBINATION: %s" % max_combos)
needsTIME = ""
if maxspan != None:
needsTIME = "_time"
# make search to get field value pairs.
# # e.g. | stats values(qid) as qid values(mid) as mid values(pid) as pid
# stats_search = "| stats " + " ".join("values(%s) as %s" % (field, field) for field in fields)
# # use top
# stats_search = '| fillnull value="%s" %s | top %s %s showperc=false | addcoltotals' % (NULL_VAL, field_list_str, MAX_FIELD_COMBOS, field_list_str)
# TODO: if transactiondefinition contains maxspan, consider making
# first stats_search return time ranges to limit values of fields
stats_search = '| table %s %s | fillnull value="%s" %s | dedup %s | head %d' % (field_list_str, needsTIME, NULL_VAL, field_list_str, field_list_str, max_combos)
seenFields = set()
while True:
search = index_search + stats_search
log("running search: %s" % search)
results =, **kwargs)
## generate an OR of ANDS of field combinations -- (qid=1 pid=2) OR (qid=3 pid=4)..."
ors = []
# for each top permuation of field values
for result in results:
ands = []
# for each field
for field in result:
if field == '_time': # if we have time field we must have maxspan
# if we have maxspan info about event, use it to limit window of events to +/- maxspan of window
# we don't need float precision, because subseconds don't matter in maxpan spec
eventtime = int(util.dt2epoch(util.parseISO(str(result['_time']))))
ands.append('_time>=%s' % (eventtime - maxspan))
ands.append('_time<=%s' % (eventtime + maxspan))
val = result[field]
# ignore empty values
if val != NULL_VAL:
seenFields.add(field) # add to list of fields with a value
ands.append('%s="%s"' % (field, escVal(result[field])))
ands_str = "(" + " ".join(ands) + ")"
field_constraints = " OR ".join(ors)
# e.g., "sourcetype=sendmail (qid=1 pid=2) OR (qid=3 pid=4)..."
index_search = "search (%s) (%s)" % (base_search, field_constraints)
log("INDEXSEARCH: %s" % index_search)
if len(results) >= max_combos:
si.addWarnMessage(messages, "Reached max complexity in trying to find transaction events with %s unique values per field. Preferring more recent values. A more detailed initial transaction constraint will allow more complete transactions" % max_combos)
if seenFields == set(fields):
log("SEEN VALUES FOR ALL FIELDS: %s" % fields)
if len(results) == 0:
msg = "No results in searching for required fields"
si.addWarnMessage(messages, msg)
return []
# we've retrieved all the events we're going to with the last index_search!
if eventsOnly:
# no transaction search, just return the events
transaction_search = ""
# this is it, find the transactions!
transaction_search = '| transaction name="%s" | search %s' % (tname, tconstraint)
search = index_search + transaction_search
log("running final search! %s" % search)
results =, **kwargs)
return results
def error(msg):
# for some reason the old style generateErrorResults aren't making their way into the ui.
# si.generateErrorResults("Usage: searchtxn <transaction_type> <transaction_search>. Ex: searchtxn loginsessions user=bob")
messages = {}
si.addErrorMessage(messages, msg)
si.outputResults([], messages)
def usage():
error("Usage: searchtxn <transaction_type> <transaction_search>. Ex: searchtxn loginsessions user=bob")
def main():
if len(sys.argv) < 3:
tname = sys.argv[1]
#for v in sys.argv:
# log(v)
options = ["max_terms", "use_disjunct", "eventsonly"]
srchargs = []
log("ARGS: %s" % sys.argv[2:])
for arg in sys.argv[2:]:
for option in options:
if arg.startswith(option):
if len(srchargs) == 0:
tsearch = ' '.join(srchargs)
log("SEARCH: %s" % tsearch)
results,dummyresults,settings = si.getOrganizedResults()
results = [] # we don't care about incoming results
if 'sessionKey' not in settings:
settings['owner'] = 'admin'
settings['password'] = 'changeme'
settings['namespace'] = 'search'
settings['sessionKey'] = splunk.auth.getSessionKey('admin', 'changeme')
kwargs = {}
for f in ['owner','namespace','sessionKey','hostPath']:
if f in settings:
kwargs[f] = settings[f]
messages = {}
maxTerms = int(settings.get("max_terms", MAX_SEARCH_COMPLEXITY))
if maxTerms > MAX_SEARCH_COMPLEXITY or maxTerms < 1:
si.addWarnMessage(messages, "max_terms must be between 1 and %s. Using default." % MAX_SEARCH_COMPLEXITY)
except Exception as e:
dummy,options = si.getKeywordsAndOptions()
makeORs = isTrue(options.get("use_disjunct", "t"))
eventsOnly = isTrue(options.get("eventsonly", "f"))
log("MAXTERMS: %s MAKEORS: %s eventsOnly: %s" % (maxTerms, makeORs, eventsOnly))
log("tsearch: %s" % tsearch)
results = []
results = findTransaction(tname, tsearch, makeORs, eventsOnly, maxTerms, messages, **kwargs)
except Exception as e:
events = []
log("RESULTS: %s" % len(results))
for result in results: # api fail
event = {}
for field in result:
if field == '_time':
event['_time'] = util.dt2epoch(util.parseISO(str(result['_time'])))
event[field] = result[field]
si.outputResults(events, messages)
if __name__ == '__main__':
except Exception as e:

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