Your ROOT_URL in app.ini is but you are visiting You should set ROOT_URL correctly, otherwise the web may not work correctly.

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9 months ago
# Version
# Changes to default files will be lost on update and are difficult to
# manage and support.
# Please make any changes to system defaults by overriding them in
# apps or $SPLUNK_HOME/etc/system/local
# (See "Configuration file precedence" in the web documentation).
# To override a specific setting, copy the name of the stanza and
# setting to the file where you wish to override it.
forwardedindex.0.whitelist = .*
forwardedindex.1.blacklist = _.*
forwardedindex.2.whitelist = (_audit|_internal|_introspection|_telemetry|_metrics|_metrics_rollup|_configtracker)
forwardedindex.filter.disable = false
indexAndForward = false
blockOnCloning = true
compressed = false
disabled = false
dropClonedEventsOnQueueFull = 5
dropEventsOnQueueFull = -1
heartbeatFrequency = 30
maxFailuresPerInterval = 2
secsInFailureInterval = 1
maxConnectionsPerIndexer = 2
forceTimebasedAutoLB = false
sendCookedData = true
connectionTimeout = 20
readTimeout = 300
writeTimeout = 300
tcpSendBufSz = 0
ackTimeoutOnShutdown = 30
useACK = false
blockWarnThreshold = 100
sslQuietShutdown = false
useClientSSLCompression = true
enableOldS2SProtocol = false
autoLBVolume = 0
maxQueueSize = auto
connectionTTL = 0
autoLBFrequency = 30
# The following provides modern TLS configuration that guarantees forward-
# secrecy and efficiency. This configuration drops support for old Splunk
# versions (Splunk 5.x and earlier).
# To add support for Splunk 5.x set sslVersions to tls and add this to the
# end of cipherSuite:
# and this, in case Diffie Hellman is not configured:
sslVersions = tls1.2
ecdhCurves = prime256v1, secp384r1, secp521r1
type = udp
priority = <13>
maxEventSize = 1024
partitionBy = legacy
batchTimeout = 30
batchSizeThresholdKB = 131072
dropEventsOnUploadError = false
compression = zstd
compressionLevel = 3
format = json
format.json.index_time_fields = true
format.ndjson.index_time_fields = true
fs.appendToFileUntilSizeMB = 2048
fs.timeBeforeClosingFileSecs = 30

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