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9 months ago
from commonAuth import *
logger = getLogger("{}/splunk_scripted_authentication_azure.log".format(logPath), "azure")
if sys.version_info < (3,0):
logger.error("Python 2 has been deprecated. Use Python 3 to execute this script instead.")
import requests
import json
from urllib.parse import quote
# This is for getting SAML user information, it is an alternative to using SAML attribute
# query requests (AQR) which Azure AD does not support.
# Provide Azure API key credentials and base url in the authentication.conf
# file or using the Splunk Web UI
# (Settings > Authentication Methods > SAML Configuration > Authentication Extensions)
# and use the Azure API to extract user information.
# In authentication.conf, configure the 'scriptSecureArguments' setting to
# "apiKey:<your Azure API key>". For example:
# scriptSecureArguments = apiKey:<your Azure API key string>,baseUrl:<your Azure url>
# After you restart the Splunk platform, the platform encrypts your Azure credentials.
# For more information about Splunk platform configuration files, search the
# Splunk documentation for "about configuration files".
# In Splunk Web UI under Authentication Extensions > Script Secure Arguments:
# key = apiKey, value = <your Azure API key string>
CLIENT_CREDENTIALS = 'client_credentials'
AZURE_USER_FILTER = 'azureUserFilter'
ENCODE_OUTPUT = 'encodeOutput'
GROUP_TYPE = 'groupType'
GROUP_SEARCH_FILTER = 'groupSearchFilter'
GROUP_ATTRIBUTE = 'groupAttribute'
SERVICE_PRINCIPAL_ID = 'servicePrincipalId'
# create persistent connection
session = requests.Session()
request_timeout = 10
errMsg = ""
def getAuthToken(tenantId, clientId, clientSecret, logger):
tokenEndpoint = LOGIN_ENDPOINT + tenantId + "/oauth2/v2.0/token" # To Generate OAuth2 Token
# Retrieve Auth Token from Azure
body = {
'scope': GRAPH_SCOPE,
'client_id': clientId,
'client_secret': clientSecret
}"Requesting Authentication Token for client={} and tenant={}".format(clientId, tenantId))
auth_response =, data=body, timeout=request_timeout)
if auth_response.status_code != 200:
errMsg = "Failed to get authorization token for client={} tenant={} with status={} and response={}".format(clientId, tenantId, auth_response.status_code, auth_response.text)
if auth_response.status_code == 400:
errMsg = "It appears your clientId and/or tenantId are incorrect. " \
"Search the Microsoft documentation to retrieve those values: " \
"\"Create an Azure AD app & service principal in the portal - Microsoft identity platform\" " \
"/ \"Get tenant and app ID values for signing in\""
elif auth_response.status_code == 401:
errMsg = "It appears your clientSecret is incorrect. " \
"Search the Microsoft documentation to retrieve that value: " \
"\"Create an Azure AD app & service principal in the portal - Microsoft identity platform\" " \
"/ \"Option 2: Create a new application secret\""
return FAILED + " " + ERROR_MSG + errMsg
auth_responseSTR = json.loads(auth_response.text)
except Exception as e:
errMsg = "Failed to parse authorization token for client={} with error={}".format(clientId, str(e))
return FAILED + " " + ERROR_MSG + errMsg
return auth_responseSTR['access_token']
# If azureUserFilter is set and API did not find a user, always fall back to filter by mail
def getPrincipalNameWithMail(username, logger):
query = "mail eq \'{}\'".format(username)
filterUrl = '?$filter=' + quote(query)
usernameFilterUrl = USER_ENDPOINT + filterUrl
usernameFilterResponse = session.get(usernameFilterUrl, timeout=request_timeout)
if usernameFilterResponse.status_code == 200:
filterValues = json.loads(usernameFilterResponse.text)
except Exception as e:
logger.error("Failed to parse principal name for username={} when defaulting to filtering by mail with error={}".format(username, str(e)))
return ""
# API will return 200 even if the user doesn't exist
if len(filterValues['value']) == 0:
logger.warning("Empty response returned for principal name for username={} when defaulting to filtering by mail".format(username))
return ""
if len(filterValues['value']) > 1:
logger.error("Found more than one entry when getting principal name for username={} when defaulting to filtering by mail".format(username))
return """Found principal name for username={} when defaulting to filtering by mail: {}".format(username, filterValues['value'][0]['userPrincipalName']))
return filterValues['value'][0]['userPrincipalName']
logger.error("Failed to get principal name for username={} when defaulting to filtering by mail with status={} and response={}".format(username, filterBy, usernameFilterResponse.status_code, usernameFilterResponse.text))
return ""
# Microsoft graph API can only query information with user's principal name or object id
# This function makes another API call to get the user's principal name
# from their email or a user supplied filter argument
def getPrincipalName(username, logger, filterBy):
if not username:
errMsg = "Username is empty. Not executing API call"
return FAILED + " " + ERROR_MSG + errMsg"Requesting principal name for username={} through filtering by {}".format(username, filterBy))
query = "{} eq \'{}\'".format(filterBy, username)
filterUrl = '?$filter=' + quote(query)
usernameFilterUrl = USER_ENDPOINT + filterUrl"Azure filter url is {}".format(usernameFilterUrl))
usernameFilterResponse = session.get(usernameFilterUrl, timeout=request_timeout)
if usernameFilterResponse.status_code != 200:
if usernameFilterResponse.status_code == 403:
errMsg = "You do not have sufficient API privileges. Refer to the Splunk documentation to set API privileges for your Azure AD application"
logger.error("Failed to get principal name for username={} through filtering by {} with status={} and response={}".format(username, filterBy, usernameFilterResponse.status_code, usernameFilterResponse.text))
errMsg = "You might be trying to use a filter property that does not exist. " \
"Search the Microsoft documentation for a full list of supported properties: " \
"\"user resource type - Microsoft Graph v1.0\" / \"Properties\""
return FAILED + " " + ERROR_MSG + errMsg
filterValues = json.loads(usernameFilterResponse.text)
except Exception as e:
errMsg = "Failed to parse principal name for username={} with error={}".format(username, str(e))
return FAILED + " " + ERROR_MSG + errMsg
# API will return 200 even if the user doesn't exist
if len(filterValues['value']) == 0:
logger.warning("Empty response returned for principal name for username={} when filtering by {}. "
"This could mean either we are already using the principal name, we are filtering by the wrong property, or the user doesn't exist".format(username, filterBy))
# As a failsafe, always try to filter by mail if cannot find by azureUserFilter
if filterBy.lower() != "mail": # except when we're already filtering by mail"Trying to get user info for username={} by defaulting to filtering by mail instead".format(username))
return getPrincipalNameWithMail(username, logger)
return ""
if len(filterValues['value']) > 1:
errMsg = "Found more than one entry when getting principal name for username={} when filtering by {}".format(username, filterBy)
return FAILED + " " + ERROR_MSG + errMsg"Found principal name for username={}: {}".format(username, filterValues['value'][0]['userPrincipalName']))
return filterValues['value'][0]['userPrincipalName']
# Only return groups that are part of the Azure service principal
# First make an API call to get the appRoleAssignments for the Azure service principal
# Then get the intersection of of the assigned groups and the groups the user is a member of
# The final group attribute returned is user-configurable
def getGroupsForUser(args, logger, username):
allGroups = []
groupIdToAttributeMap = {}
groupAttributeKey = 'id'
# Construct a groups endpoint with the user's object ID
groupsUrl = USER_ENDPOINT + quote(username)
groupsUrl += '/transitiveMemberOf/$top=999' # transitiveMemberOf gives us both direct and transitive memberships
groupsUrl += '&' + args[GROUP_SEARCH_FILTER]
session.headers.update({'ConsistencyLevel': 'eventual'})
while groupsUrl:"Full API call to get groups info: {}".format(groupsUrl))
groupsResponse = session.get(groupsUrl, timeout=request_timeout)
if groupsResponse.status_code != 200:
errMsg = "Failed to get user group membership for username={} with status={} and response={}".format(username, groupsResponse.status_code, groupsResponse.text)
return FAILED + " " + ERROR_MSG + errMsg
groupsResponseSTR = json.loads(groupsResponse.text)
except Exception as e:
errMsg = "Failed to parse user groups response for username={} with error={}".format(username, str(e))
return FAILED + " " + ERROR_MSG + errMsg
if groupsResponseSTR['value']:
for group in groupsResponseSTR['value']:
groupIdToAttributeMap[group['id']] = group
if '@odata.nextLink' in groupsResponseSTR:
groupsUrl = groupsResponseSTR['@odata.nextLink']
groupsUrl = None
errMsg = "Failed to find user groups in response for username={}".format(username)
return FAILED + " " + ERROR_MSG + errMsg
groupAttributeKey = args[GROUP_ATTRIBUTE]"Custom group attribute was specified. Returning \'{}\' instead of group Id".format(groupAttributeKey))
try:"{} group(s) found: {}".format(len(groupIdToAttributeMap), [groupIdToAttributeMap[group][groupAttributeKey] for group in groupIdToAttributeMap.keys()]))
except KeyError as e:
errMsg = "Failed to find custom group attribute \'{}\' in groups API response".format(groupAttributeKey)
return FAILED + " " + ERROR_MSG + errMsg
appRoleAssignments = getAppRoleAssignments(args[SERVICE_PRINCIPAL_ID], logger)
groupsIntersection = list(set(groupIdToAttributeMap.keys()).intersection(appRoleAssignments))"{} group(s) found that are in the intersection of user's group membership and Azure service principal: {}".format(len(groupsIntersection), groupsIntersection))
# if groupIntersections is empty, then just return the full list of groups we found
if len(groupsIntersection) == 0:
logger.warning("Did not find any groups in the intersection of user's group membership and Azure service principal. Returning full list of group membership.")
groups = groupIdToAttributeMap.keys() if len(groupsIntersection) == 0 else groupsIntersection
allGroups = [groupIdToAttributeMap[group][groupAttributeKey] for group in groups]
else: # preserve backwards compatiblity when SP ID arg is not used
groups = groupIdToAttributeMap.keys()
allGroups = [groupIdToAttributeMap[group][groupAttributeKey] for group in groups]"All groups that the user belongs to: {}".format(allGroups))
if ENCODE_OUTPUT in args and args[ENCODE_OUTPUT].lower() == 'false':
return allGroups
return [urlsafe_b64encode_to_str(group) for group in allGroups]
def getAppRoleAssignments(servicePrincipalId, logger):
allAssignedAppRoles = []
appRolesAssignmentUrl = SERVICE_PRINCIPAL_ENDPOINT + servicePrincipalId + '/appRoleAssignedTo?$top=999'
while appRolesAssignmentUrl:"Full API call to get Azure service principal's appRolesAssignment info: {}".format(appRolesAssignmentUrl))
appRolesAssignmentResponse = session.get(appRolesAssignmentUrl, timeout=request_timeout)
if appRolesAssignmentResponse.status_code != 200:
errMsg = "Failed to get appRoleAssigments for service principal={} with status={} and response={}".format(servicePrincipalId, appRolesAssignmentResponse.status_code, appRolesAssignmentResponse.text)
return allAssignedAppRoles
appRolesAssignmentSTR = json.loads(appRolesAssignmentResponse.text)
except Exception as e:
errMsg = "Failed to parse appRolesAssignment response for service principal={} with error={}".format(servicePrincipalId, str(e))
return allAssignedAppRoles
if appRolesAssignmentSTR['value']:
appRole['principalId'] for appRole in appRolesAssignmentSTR['value']
if appRole['principalType'] == "Group"
if '@odata.nextLink' in appRolesAssignmentSTR:
appRolesAssignmentUrl = appRolesAssignmentSTR['@odata.nextLink']
appRolesAssignmentUrl = None
errMsg = "Failed to find appRoleAssignments in response for service principal={}".format(servicePrincipalId)
return allAssignedAppRoles"{} appRoleAssignment(s) found of principalType=Group. Group Ids: {}".format(len(allAssignedAppRoles), allAssignedAppRoles))
return allAssignedAppRoles
def getUserInfo(args, logger, username):
# Construct script response with the original username since
# we might be using a different username to get user info
originalUsername = args['username']
realNameString = ''
fullString = ''
rolesString = ''
emailString = ''
usernameUrl = USER_ENDPOINT + quote(username)
usernameResponse = session.get(usernameUrl, timeout=request_timeout)
if usernameResponse.status_code != 200:
errMsg = "Failed to get user info for username={} with status={} and response={}".format(originalUsername, usernameResponse.status_code, usernameResponse.text)
if usernameResponse.status_code == 404:
errMsg = "User not found. Unable to get user info for username={}. " \
"This script only officially supports querying usernames by the User Principal Name, User ID, or Email properties. " \
"To use other user properties, use the 'azureUserFilter' argument and search the Microsoft documentation for a full list of properties: " \
"\"user resource type - Microsoft Graph v1.0\" / \"Properties\"".format(username)
return FAILED + " " + ERROR_MSG + errMsg
nameAttributes = json.loads(usernameResponse.text)
except Exception as e:
errMsg = "Failed to parse user info for username={} with error={}".format(username, str(e))
return FAILED + " " + ERROR_MSG + errMsg
if nameAttributes['displayName']:
realNameString += nameAttributes['displayName']
if nameAttributes['mail']:
emailString += nameAttributes['mail']"Real name found: {}".format(realNameString))"Email found: {}".format(emailString))
foundGroups = getGroupsForUser(args, logger, username)
if FAILED in foundGroups:
return foundGroups
rolesString += ":".join(foundGroups)
encodeOutput = True # default to always encode unless specified in args
if ENCODE_OUTPUT in args and args[ENCODE_OUTPUT].lower() == 'false':
encodeOutput = False
if encodeOutput:"base64 encoding script output for function=getUserInfo()")
base64UrlEncodedUsername = urlsafe_b64encode_to_str(originalUsername)
base64UrlEncodedRealName = urlsafe_b64encode_to_str(realNameString)
base64UrlEncodedEmail = urlsafe_b64encode_to_str(emailString)
fullString += '{} --userInfo={};{};{};{} --encodedOutput=true'.format(SUCCESS, base64UrlEncodedUsername, base64UrlEncodedRealName, rolesString, base64UrlEncodedEmail)
else:"Not base64 encoding script output for function=getUserInfo()")
fullString += '{} --userInfo={};{};{};{}'.format(SUCCESS, originalUsername, realNameString, rolesString, emailString)"function=getUserInfo() successful for username={}".format(originalUsername))
return fullString
def login(args, logger, username):
fullString = ''
rolesString = ''
foundGroups = getGroupsForUser(args, logger, username)
if FAILED in foundGroups:
return foundGroups
for i in range(len(foundGroups)):
rolesString += '--groups={} '.format(foundGroups[i])
encodeOutput = True # default to always encode unless specified in args
if ENCODE_OUTPUT in args and args[ENCODE_OUTPUT].lower() == 'false':
encodeOutput = False
if encodeOutput:"base64 encoding script output for function=login()")
fullString += '{} {} --encodedOutput=true'.format(SUCCESS, rolesString)
else:"Not base64 encoding script output for function=login()")
fullString += '{} {}'.format(SUCCESS, rolesString)"function=login() successful for username={}".format(args['userInfo'].split(';')[0]))
return fullString
if __name__ == "__main__":
callName = sys.argv[1]
dictIn = readInputs()
apiKey = getAuthToken(dictIn['tenantId'], dictIn['clientId'], dictIn['clientSecret'], logger)
# Exit script early and output error if we cannot retrieve API access token
if FAILED in apiKey:
# Set the headers once and reuse for all API calls
API_KEY_HEADER = 'Bearer ' + apiKey
session.headers = {'Host': '', 'Authorization': API_KEY_HEADER}
# We default filter to email
filterBy = 'mail'
if AZURE_USER_FILTER in dictIn.keys():
filterBy = dictIn[AZURE_USER_FILTER]
# getPrincipalName will determine what username we use to query the graph API
if callName == "getUserInfo":
username = dictIn['username']
principalName = getPrincipalName(username, logger, filterBy)
if FAILED in principalName:
if principalName:
username = principalName
response = getUserInfo(dictIn, logger, username)
if callName == "login":
username = dictIn['userInfo'].split(';')[0]
principalName = getPrincipalName(username, logger, filterBy)
if FAILED in principalName:
if principalName:
username = principalName
response = login(dictIn, logger, username)

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