import appsmanager import splunk import splunk.admin as admin import splunk.appbuilder as appbuilder import re import os import json from splunk.clilib.bundle_paths import make_splunkhome_path import splunk.clilib.cli_common as cli_common import splunk.spl2helper as spl2helper HTTP_POST_TEMPLATE = "template" HTTP_POST_LABEL = "label" HTTP_POST_DESC = "description" HTTP_POST_VISIBLE = "visible" HTTP_POST_AUTHOR = "author" HTTP_POST_CONFIGURED = "configured" HTTP_POST_VERSION = "version" ACTION_PACKAGE = "package" ACTION_DEPENDENCIES = "dependencies" ACTION_SYNC_OBJECTS = "syncfs" EDIT_LOCAL_APPS_CAP_EXPR = "edit_local_apps" AAO_OR_EDIT_LOCAL_APPS_CAP_EXPR = "admin_all_objects or edit_local_apps" DEFAULT_TEMPLATE = "barebones" class LocalAppsHandler(admin.MConfigHandler): def __init__(self, scriptMode, ctxInfo): admin.MConfigHandler.__init__(self, scriptMode, ctxInfo) # This handler already lists upon create/edit, turn this off. self.shouldAutoList = False ''' Set up supported arguments ''' def setup(self): enableInstallApps = cli_common.getConfKeyValue("limits", "auth", "enable_install_apps") if self.requestedAction == admin.ACTION_CREATE: # Let the C++ handler do all the validation work. self.supportedArgs.addOptArg('*') # SPL-207748: implementing auth for localapps-python endpoint if (splunk.util.normalizeBoolean(enableInstallApps)): self.setWriteCapability(EDIT_LOCAL_APPS_CAP_EXPR) else: # default self.setWriteCapability(AAO_OR_EDIT_LOCAL_APPS_CAP_EXPR) if self.customAction == ACTION_PACKAGE: # SPL-158999: to support merge-local-meta and exclude-local-meta parameters self.supportedArgs.addOptArg('merge-local-meta') self.supportedArgs.addOptArg('exclude-local-meta') if (splunk.util.normalizeBoolean(enableInstallApps)): self.customActionCap = EDIT_LOCAL_APPS_CAP_EXPR return # default self.customActionCap = AAO_OR_EDIT_LOCAL_APPS_CAP_EXPR if self.customAction == ACTION_SYNC_OBJECTS: self.supportedArgs.addReqArg('object_types') self.supportedArgs.addOptArg('dest') self.supportedArgs.addOptArg('filter') self.customActionCap = AAO_OR_EDIT_LOCAL_APPS_CAP_EXPR ''' Create a new application ''' def handleCreate(self, confInfo): args = # Sanity checking for app ID: no special chars and shorter than 100 chars appName = if not appName or len(appName) == 0: raise admin.ArgValidationException('App folder name is not set.') if'[^A-Za-z0-9._-]', appName): raise admin.ArgValidationException('App folder name cannot contain spaces or special characters.') if len(appName) > 100: raise admin.ArgValidationException('App folder name cannot be longer than 100 characters.') kwargs = { 'label' : _getFieldValue(args, HTTP_POST_LABEL, appName, maxLen=100), 'visible' : _getFieldValue(args, HTTP_POST_VISIBLE, 'true'), 'author' : _getFieldValue(args, HTTP_POST_AUTHOR, '', maxLen=100), 'description' : _getFieldValue(args, HTTP_POST_DESC, '', maxLen=500), 'configured' : _getFieldValue(args, HTTP_POST_CONFIGURED, '0'), 'version' : _getFieldValue(args, HTTP_POST_VERSION, '1.0.0') } template = _getFieldValue(args, HTTP_POST_TEMPLATE, DEFAULT_TEMPLATE) if re.match("^\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}(\s?\w[\w\d]{,9})?$", kwargs['version']) is None: raise admin.ArgValidationException("Version '%s' is invalid. Use the version format 'major.minor.patch', for example '1.0.0'." % kwargs['version']) try: url = appbuilder.createApp(appName, template, **kwargs) appbuilder.addUploadAssets(appName) except splunk.RESTException as e: raise admin.InternalException(e.msg) confInfo[appName].append('name', appName) for field in kwargs: confInfo[appName].append(field, kwargs[field]) ''' Controls local applications ''' def handleEdit(self, confInfo): appName = appbuilder.addUploadAssets(appName) ''' Handles other commands ''' def handleCustom(self, confInfo): action = self.customAction actionType = self.requestedAction if self.customAction == ACTION_PACKAGE: if appsmanager.isCloud(self.getSessionKey()): raise admin.BadActionException("'package' action is not supported for Splunk Cloud.") # Create a package of an application confInfo.addWarnMsg('The package action has been deprecated.') appName = # obtain merge-local-meta and exclude-local-meta parameters # if the respective arguments are not passed, we want to package local.meta and default.meta as is mergeLocalMeta = self.callerArgs.get('merge-local-meta', ['f'])[0] excludeLocalMeta = self.callerArgs.get('exclude-local-meta', ['f'])[0] try: mergeLocalMeta = splunk.util.normalizeBoolean(mergeLocalMeta, enableStrictMode=True) excludeLocalMeta = splunk.util.normalizeBoolean(excludeLocalMeta, enableStrictMode=True) except ValueError as e: raise admin.ArgValidationException("Incorrect parameter value. Please specify one of the following: " "true/false, t/f, or 0/1.") if (mergeLocalMeta and excludeLocalMeta): raise admin.ArgValidationException("Invalid parameter specification. Both -merge-local-meta and " "-exclude-local-meta cannot be \"true\" at the same time.") try: url, path = appbuilder.packageApp(appName, excludeLocalMeta=excludeLocalMeta, mergeLocalMeta=mergeLocalMeta) confInfo['Package'].append('name', appName) confInfo['Package'].append('url', url) confInfo['Package'].append('path', path) except splunk.RESTException as e: raise admin.ArgValidationException(e.msg) elif self.customAction == ACTION_DEPENDENCIES: self.getAppDependencies(, confInfo) elif self.customAction == ACTION_SYNC_OBJECTS: """ Sync objects to the app's local file-system which are maintained externally (eg: kv-store etc) """ app_name = object_types_arg = self.callerArgs.get('object_types', [""])[0] confInfo['SyncFs'].append('name', app_name) app_location = make_splunkhome_path(['etc', 'apps', app_name]) if not os.path.isdir(app_location): raise splunk.ResourceNotFound('App %s does not exist.' % app_name) try: for ob_type in list(object_types_arg.split(',')): ob_type = ob_type.lower().strip() if ob_type.startswith("spl2"): spl2helper.sync_spl2_objects(self.callerArgs, ob_type, self.getSessionKey(), app_name) except splunk.RESTException as e: raise admin.InternalException(e.msg) ''' This handler is overridden by UIAppsHandler ''' def handleList(self, confInfo): pass ''' Get application dependencies from its manifest file ''' def getAppDependencies(self, app, confInfo): app_location = make_splunkhome_path(['etc', 'apps', app]) if not os.path.isdir(app_location): raise splunk.ResourceNotFound('App %s does not exist.' % app) manifestFile = os.path.join(app_location, 'app.manifest') if not os.path.exists(str(manifestFile)): # not an error, app manifest is optional confInfo.addInfoMsg('Application manifest file is missing.') return # read app manifest chopping possible comments (that start with '#') manifest = ''.join([line.split('#')[0] for line in open(manifestFile, 'r').readlines()]) # parse manifest, possible errors will bubble to REST reply manifest = json.loads(manifest) dependencies = manifest.get('dependencies') if dependencies is None: confInfo.addInfoMsg("Application manifest doesn't include dependencies.") return # construct reply reply = confInfo[app] for dependency, properties in dependencies.items(): # Convert properties to STR as it returns unicode reply[dependency] = str(properties.get("version")) def _getFieldValue(args, fieldName, defaultVal=None, maxLen=None): value = args[fieldName][0] or defaultVal if fieldName in args else defaultVal if value and maxLen and len(value) > maxLen: raise admin.ArgValidationException('App %(fieldName)s cannot be longer than %(maxLen)s characters.' % {'fieldName' : fieldName, 'maxLen' : maxLen} ) return value # initialize the handler, and add the actions it supports. admin.init(LocalAppsHandler, admin.CONTEXT_NONE)