[metadata] instance_id = UUID * Sets a per-instance id that can be used to identify this node to the teleport APIs. * Default: _ [cloud] scs_environment = production * Determines the cloud cluster the app will talk to * Default: production heartbeat_interval_seconds=10 * The default interval that the supervisor will contact the cloud, this can be overrided by the cloud. * Default: 10 process_timeout_seconds=60 * The period in seconds after which the onboarding process will time out. * Default: 60 connectivity_test_url=https://www.splunk.com * Used to determine if the app has outbound internet connectivity * Default: https://www.splunk.com [supervisor] local_port = _ * When the HTTP server is running, the port the supervisor is currently listening on. * Default: _ (not running) ca_cert = _ * When the HTTP server is running, the certificate to trust for TLS connections. * Default: _ (not running) local_path = _ * If the supervisor updates, the location of the update is specified here. * Default: _ (not updated) [ui] assets_url = url * Indicates from where the ui bundle should be downloaded, requires SUD to be enabled. * Default: Splunk CDN sig_url = url * Indicates from where the ui bundle signature should be downloaded, requires SUD to be enabled. * Default: Splunk CDN assets_root = path * Indicates where on the file system ui assets are being served from * Default: _ (not available) etag = string * Stores the etag of the last downloaded ui bundle * Default: _ (not update downloaded) [updates] etag = string * Stores the etag of the last downloaded supervisor update * Default: _ (not update downloaded) global_url = url * Used to query globally released supervisor updates * Default: Splunk CDN tenant_url = url * Used to query tenant-scoped supervisor updates * Default: Splunk CDN sphost_url = url * Used to query supervisor host scoped supervisor updates * Default: Splunk CDN