from __future__ import absolute_import from __future__ import print_function from builtins import object from future.moves.urllib.parse import urlencode import splunk.safe_lxml_etree as et import datetime import time import socket import httplib2 try: import httplib except ImportError: import http.client as httplib import splunk import as rest ___doc___ = """ This script will allow the python sdk to insert data directly into splunk """ #global, don't need to create an instance of this on each call, create once and reuse h = httplib2.Http(disable_ssl_certificate_validation = True, proxy_info=None) # --------------------------- # --------------------------- class StreamHandler(object): """ class that handles the connection """ # ---------------------------------------------------------- def __init__(self, dest, endpoint, sessionKey, type='http', ssl=True): """ init the connection and buffer lazy evaluation here...don't make a connection until the first write call """ self._dest = dest self._endpoint = endpoint self._sessionKey = sessionKey self._type = type self._ssl = ssl self._conn = None self._sslconn = None # ------------------------- def _make_http_conn(self): """ helper function to make a http connection """ if self._ssl: self._conn = httplib.HTTPSConnection(self._dest) else: self._conn = httplib.HTTPConnection(self._dest) self._conn.connect() self._conn.putrequest('POST', self._endpoint) self._conn.putheader('Authorization', 'Splunk ' + self._sessionKey) self._conn.putheader('X-Splunk-Input-Mode', 'Streaming') self._conn.endheaders() # ------------------------ def _make_sock_conn(self): """ helper fun to make a socket connection """ self._conn = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) port = int(self._dest[self._dest.rfind(':') + 1:]) host = self._dest[:self._dest.rfind(':')] if host.startswith('[') and host.endswith(']'): host = host[1:-1] self._conn.connect(host, port) self._sslconn = socket.ssl(self._conn) header = "POST %s HTTP/1.0\r\n" % self._endpoint header += "Host: localhost:8089\r\n" header += "Accept-Encoding: identity\r\n" header += "Authorization: Splunk %s\r\n" % self._sessionKey header += "X-Splunk-Input-Mode: Streaming\r\n" header += "\r\n" self._sslconn.write(header) # -------------------- def write(self, data): """ pump this data into splunkd """ if not self._conn: if self._type == 'http': self._make_http_conn() elif self._type == 'socket': self._make_sock_conn() #the stream endpoint does not return anything, so we don't either if self._type == 'socket': try: self._sslconn.write(data) except socket.error as e: #maybe owing to large inactivity the connection was cut by server, so try again once more... self._make_sock_conn() self._sslconn.write(data) #send a new line else data will not be recognized as an individual event if len(data) and data[-1]!='\n': self._sslconn.write("\n") else: try: self._conn.send(data) except Exception as e: #can get a variety of exceptions here like HTTPException, NotConnected etc etc etc. Just try again. self._make_http_conn() self._conn.send(data) #send a new line else data will not be recognized as an individual event if len(data) and data[-1]!='\n': self._conn.send("\n") # -------------------------------- def writelines(self, line_list): """ wrapper around write function to write multiple lines """ for line in line_list: self.write(line) # -------------------- def send(self, data): """ wrapper for write function for the socket interface """ self.write(data) # --------------- def flush(self): """ do nothing function to make this class resemble a file like object """ pass # --------------- def close(self): """ cleanup """ if self._type == 'http': self._conn.close() else: del self._sslconn self._conn.close() # --------------------------------------------------------------------------- def submit(event, hostname=None, source=None, sourcetype=None, index=None): """ the interface to the 'simple' receivers endpoint """ global h #construct the uri to POST to base_uri = splunk.mergeHostPath() postargs = {'host': hostname, 'source': source, 'sourcetype' : sourcetype, 'index':index} uri = base_uri + '/services/receivers/simple?%s' % urlencode(postargs) #get default session key. If none exists, the rest call will raise a splunk.AuthenticationFailed exception sessionKey = splunk.getDefault('sessionKey') #make the call, we cannot use the rest interface here as it urlencodes the payload serverResponse, serverContent = h.request(uri, "POST", headers={'Authorization':'Splunk %s' % sessionKey}, body=event) #process results root = et.fromstring(serverContent) #4xx error messages indicate a client side error e.g. bad request, unauthorized etc so raise a RESTException if 400 <= serverResponse.status < 500: extractedMessages = rest.extractMessages(root) msg_text = [] for msg in extractedMessages: msg_text.append('message type=%(type)s code=%(code)s text=%(text)s;' % msg) raise splunk.RESTException(serverResponse.status, msg_text) #5xx error messages indicate server side error e.g. Internal server error etc so raise a SplunkdException elif serverResponse.status >= 500: extractedMessages = rest.extractMessages(root) msg_text = [] for msg in extractedMessages: msg_text.append('message type=%(type)s code=%(code)s text=%(text)s;' % msg) raise splunk.SplunkdException(serverResponse.status, msg_text) #everything is kosher... else: return serverResponse # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- def open(hostname=None, source=None, sourcetype=None, index=None, type='http', sessionKey=None, host_regex=None, host_segment=None): """ the interface to the 'stream' receivers endpoint """ #construct the uri to POST to base_uri = splunk.mergeHostPath() postargs = {'source': source, 'sourcetype' : sourcetype, 'index':index} if host_regex: postargs['host_regex'] = host_regex elif host_segment: postargs['host_segment'] = host_segment elif hostname: postargs['host'] = hostname endpoint = '/services/receivers/stream?%s' % urlencode(postargs) #get default session key. If none exists, the rest call will raise a splunk.AuthenticationFailed exception if not sessionKey: sessionKey = splunk.getSessionKey() ( proto, host_colon_port ) = base_uri.split("://", 1); return StreamHandler(host_colon_port, endpoint, sessionKey, type, proto != 'http') # -------------------------------------------------------------------- def connect(hostname=None, source=None, sourcetype=None, index=None): """ wrapper for the open to work with sockets """ return open(hostname, source, sourcetype, index, type='socket') # --------------------- # utility function # --------------------- # -------------------------------------------------- def _get_final_count(host, keyi, fail_msg, ok_msg): """ utility function to see if we inserted into the index properly """ time.sleep(60) job ='search index=default host=%s | stats count' % host, sessionKey=key) start = while not job.isDone: time.sleep(1) now = if int((now - start).seconds) > 20: print("REST response took more than 20 seconds, timing out...") break count = 0 for ele in count += 1 job.cancel() assert count == 3, fail_msg % count print(ok_msg) # ------------------------- # ------------------------- if __name__ == '__main__': import splunk.auth as au import splunk.mergeHostPath('localhost:8089', True) key = au.getSessionKey('admin', 'changeme') raw_data = """Apr 29 19:11:54 AAA\nApr 29 19:12:54 BBB\nApr 29 19:13:54 CCC\n""" # ------------------------------- # # test simple receivers endpoint # # ------------------------------- # resp = submit(raw_data, sourcetype='http-receivers', index='default', source='http-test', hostname='simple-receivers-test') print('insertion for simple receivers complete...querying splunk...waiting 60 seconds...') try: _get_final_count('simple-receivers-test', key, 'inserted 3 events via simple receivers end point, but found %d', 'insert via simple receivers endpoint - OK') except AssertionError as e: #test failed, continue to next print(e) # --------------------------------------- # # test stream receivers endpoint via http # # --------------------------------------- # stream = open(sourcetype='http-receivers', index='default', source='http-test', hostname='stream-http-receivers-test') stream.write('Apr 29 18:11:54 AAA') stream.writelines(['Apr 29 18:12:54 BBB', 'Apr 29 18:13:54 CCC']) stream.close() print('insertion for stream http receivers complete...querying splunk...waiting 60 seconds...') try: _get_final_count('stream-http-receivers-test', key, 'inserted 3 events via stream http receivers end point, but found %d', 'insert via stream http receivers endpoint - OK') except AssertionError as e: #test failed, continue to next print(e) # ------------------------------------------ # # test stream receivers endpoint via sockets # # ------------------------------------------ # socket_stream = connect(sourcetype='http-receivers', index='default', source='http-test', hostname='stream-socket-receivers-test') socket_stream.send('Apr 29 17:11:54 AAA') socket_stream.send('Apr 29 17:12:54 BBB') socket_stream.send('Apr 29 17:13:54 CCC') socket_stream.close() print('insertion for stream socket receivers complete...querying splunk...waiting 60 seconds...') try: _get_final_count('stream-socket-receivers-test', key, 'inserted 3 events via stream socket receivers end point, but found %d', 'insert via stream socket receivers endpoint - OK') except AssertionError as e: #test failed, continue to next print(e)