var jsdom = require('jsdom'), i18n = require('./i18n'), __script_basepath = "file:///" + __dirname + "/httpdocs/static/js/", __font_basepath = "file:///" + __dirname + "/"; PDFDocument = require('pdfkit'); fs = require('fs'); function createSingleValueWindow(locale, scriptBasepath, callback) { if (!i18n.isValidLocaleFormat(locale)) { // Make sure locale is valid to prevent malicious code execution callback(new Error(`Single value SVG cannot be rendered due to invalid locale: ${locale}`), null); return; } jsdom.env({ html: "
", src: [ fs.readFileSync(scriptBasepath + "i18n.js").toString(), // Prepare i18n since we didn't load it from splunk web 'window._i18n_locale=' + JSON.stringify(i18n.getLocaleData(locale)) + ';', 'window.locale_name = function() { return "' + locale + '"; };', 'window.locale_uses_day_before_month = function() { return false; };', fs.readFileSync(scriptBasepath + "../build/single_value/index.js", "utf8") ], done: function(err, window) { if(err) { callback(err, null); return; } // Set up a good mock implementation for creating elements and later getting their bounding box window.document.createElementNS = function(ns, tagName) { var elem = window.document.createElement(tagName); if (tagName === 'svg') { elem.setAttribute('version', '1.1'); elem.setAttribute('xmlns', ns); } elem.getBBox = function() { if (this.textContent) { var doc = new PDFDocument(), fontSize = parseInt(elem.getAttribute("font-size"), 10) || parseInt(window.getComputedStyle(elem, null).getPropertyValue("font-size"), 10), font = doc.font('Helvetica', fontSize); if(!fontSize) { window.console.log('ERROR: In getBBox, element has no font size'); // To track down the log statement above, un-comment this throw and comment out the try-catch around getBBox in Highcarts // throw new Error('In getBBox, element has no font size'); } return ({ x: elem.offsetLeft, y: elem.offsetTop, // need to compute max width per line width: font.widthOfString(this.textContent), // need to compute currentLineHeight()+(numLines-1)*currentLineHeight(true) height: font.currentLineHeight() }); } return ({ x: elem.offsetLeft || 0, y: elem.offsetTop || 0, width: elem.offsetWidth || 0, height: elem.offsetHeight || 0 }); }; // the element has to know its namespace or HighCharts will choke calculating its bounding box elem.namespaceURI = ns; elem.createSVGRect = function() {}; return elem; }; // Set up mock console logging var mockConsole = { log: function() { mockConsole.addMessage.apply(mockConsole, arguments); }, warn: function() { mockConsole.addMessage.apply(mockConsole, arguments); }, debug: function() { mockConsole.addMessage.apply(mockConsole, arguments); }, error: function() { mockConsole.addMessage.apply(mockConsole, arguments); }, messages: [], addMessage: function(args) { var i, strSegments = []; for(i = 0; i < arguments.length; i++) { strSegments.push(arguments[i]); } mockConsole.messages.push('JSDOM CONSOLE: ' + strSegments.join(' ')); } }; window.console = mockConsole; callback(null, window); } }); } function getSVG(data, scriptBasepath, callback) { if(scriptBasepath === null || scriptBasepath === undefined) { scriptBasepath = __script_basepath; } createSingleValueWindow(data.locale, scriptBasepath, function (err, window) { if(err) { callback(err, null); } else { var $ = window.$; var $container = $('#container'); var getConsoleMessages = function() { if(window.console.messages && window.console.messages.length > 0) { return window.console.messages; } return null; }; var BaseModel = window.require('models/Base'); var SingleValue = window.require('views/shared/singlevalue/Master'); var searchResultsModel = new BaseModel(data.series); var stateModel = new BaseModel(data.props); stateModel.set('exportMode', true); var singleValueView = new SingleValue({ model: { searchData: searchResultsModel, config: stateModel }, width: parseInt(data.width, 10), height: parseInt(data.height, 10), el: $container[0] }); singleValueView.render(); singleValueView.invalidateReflow(); singleValueView.validate(); var svg = singleValueView.$el.html(); //window.console.log(svg); callback({ consoleMessages: getConsoleMessages() }, svg); } }); } exports.getSVG = getSVG;