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# Version
# Changes to default files will be lost on update and are difficult to
# manage and support.
# Please make any changes to system defaults by overriding them in
# apps or $SPLUNK_HOME/etc/system/local
# (See "Configuration file precedence" in the web documentation).
# To override a specific setting, copy the name of the stanza and
# setting to the file where you wish to override it.
# This file configures various limits to the Splunk's search commands.
# CAUTION: Do not alter the settings in limits.conf unless you know what
# you are doing.
# Improperly configured limits may result in splunkd crashes and/or
# memory overuse.
max_mem_usage_mb = 200
maxresultrows = 50000
# Maximum number of times to try in the atomic write operation
# (1 = no retries)
tocsv_maxretry = 5
# Retry period is 1/2 second (500 milliseconds)
tocsv_retryperiod_ms = 500
compression_level = 1
# These setting control logging of error messages to info.csv
# All messages will be logged to search.log regardless of these settings.
# maximum number of error messages to log in info.csv
# Set to 0 to remove limit, may affect search performance
max_infocsv_messages = 20
# log level = DEBUG | INFO | WARN | ERROR
infocsv_log_level = INFO
# Log warnings if search returns no results because user has no
# permissions to search on queried indexes.
show_warn_on_filtered_indexes = false
# Log level of messages when search returns no results because user has
# no permissions to search on queried indexes.
filteredindexes_log_level = DEBUG
# Maximum number of results to return from a subsearch.
maxout = 10000
# Maximum number of seconds to run a subsearch before finalizing.
maxtime = 60
# Time to cache a given subsearch's results.
ttl = 300
# This section contains the settings for the search command.
# The settings are organized in subsections by type of setting.
# Batch search
# This section contains settings for batch search.
# Allow batch mode which searches in non-time order for certain classes
# of searches.
allow_batch_mode = true
# When batch mode attempts to retry the search on a peer that failed wait
# at least this many seconds.
batch_retry_min_interval = 5
# When batch mode attempts to retry the search on a peer that failed wait
# at most this many seconds.
batch_retry_max_interval = 300
# After a retry attempt fails increase the time to wait before trying
# again by this scaling factor.
batch_retry_scaling = 1.5
# When in batch mode what is the max number of index values to read in
# at one time.
batch_search_max_index_values = 10000000
# Number of search pipelines created per batch search
batch_search_max_pipeline = 1
# Default size of the aggregator queue to which all the search pipelines
# dump the search results on the indexer.
batch_search_max_results_aggregator_queue_size = 100000000
# Default size of the serialized results queue where all the serialized
# results are kept before transmission.
batch_search_max_serialized_results_queue_size = 100000000
# Bundles
# This section contains settings for bundles and bundle replication.
# Avoid loading remote bundles in splunkd.
load_remote_bundles = false
# Bundle replication file ttl.
replication_file_ttl = 600
# The minimum bundle replication period.
replication_period_sec = 60
# Whether bundle replication is synchronous (and thus blocking searches).
sync_bundle_replication = auto
# Bundle status expiry time
bundle_status_expiry_time = 1hr
# Concurrency
# This section contains settings for search concurrency limits.
# If 'total_search_concurrency_limit = auto', the total limit of concurrent
# historical searches is
# max_hist_searches = max_searches_per_cpu x number_of_cpus + base_max_searches.
# The maximum number of concurrent historical searches in the search head.
total_search_concurrency_limit = auto
# The base number of concurrent historical searches.
base_max_searches = 6
# Max real-time searches = max_rt_search_multiplier x max historical searches.
max_rt_search_multiplier = 1
# The maximum number of concurrent historical searches per CPU.
max_searches_per_cpu = 1
# Whether maximum number of concurrent searches are enforced cluster-wide
# for admission of adhoc searches
shc_adhoc_quota_enforcement = off
# Distributed search
# This section contains settings for distributed search connection
# information.
# Limit on the skew permitted when adding a search peer.
# Peers with a skew larger than this will be rejected.
addpeer_skew_limit = 600
# Defaults to download all remote logs other than saved search logs and
# oneshot search logs.
fetch_remote_search_log = disabledSavedSearches
# Maximum size of the chunk queue.
max_chunk_queue_size = 10000000
# Search results combiner maximum in-memory buffer size (in events).
max_combiner_memevents = 50000
# Absolute value of largest time skew we will tolerate between the search
# head and the peer (in seconds).
max_tolerable_skew = 60
# Maximum number of worker threads in Round Robin policy.
max_workers_searchparser = 5
# The minimum number of results blobs to keep for consumption by the
# search head.
results_queue_min_size = 10
# Corresponds to the size of the results queue in the dispatch fetch level
result_queue_max_size = 100000000
# If all currently active peers have finished with the search wait this
# many seconds before giving up on peers we are attempting to reconnect
# to for a retry.
results_queue_read_timeout_sec = 900
# by default we do not enable throttling
remote_search_requests_throttling_type = disabled
# By default, send user capabilities to the search peers.
remote_search_requests_send_capabilities_list = true
# By default, allow remote search execution even if the capability list is missing.
remote_search_requests_reject_if_capabilities_list_absent = false
# Field stats
# This section contains settings for field statistics.
# How often to update the field summary statistics, as a ratio to the
# elapsed run time so far.
fieldstats_update_freq = 0
# Maximum period for updating field summary statistics in seconds.
fieldstats_update_maxperiod = 60
# The minimum frequency of a field displayed in the /summary endpoint.
min_freq = 0.01
# History
# This section contains settings for search history.
# Enable search history?
enable_history = true
# Max number of searches to store in history
# for each user/app, if search_history_storage_mode is csv;
# for each user, if search_history_storage_mode is kvstore.
max_history_length = 500
# Max time search history records to store in history (for each user).
max_history_storage_retention_time = 90d
# History storage
search_history_storage_mode = csv
# Memory tracker
# This section contains settings for the memory tracker.
# If memory tracker is disabled, search won't be terminated even if it
# exceeds the memory limit.
# By default memory tracking is disabled.
enable_memory_tracker = false
# Default value for percentage memory usage for the splunk search
# process is set to 25%.
search_process_memory_usage_percentage_threshold = 25
# Default value for memory usage for the Splunk search process is set to 4GB.
search_process_memory_usage_threshold = 4000
# Meta search
# This section contains settings for meta search.
# Allow inexact metasearch?
allow_inexact_metasearch = false
# Misc
# This section contains miscellaneous search settings.
# Determines if the saved searches handler uses a removable cache
use_removable_search_cache = true
# Specifies after how long a paused search should be auto canceled,
# in seconds.
# 0 means do not auto cancel the paused search.
auto_cancel_after_pause = 0
dispatch_dir_warning_size = 5000
# Enable concatenation of successively occurring evals into a single
# comma separated eval during generation of data model searches.
enable_datamodel_meval = true
# Determines whether or not scoped conditional expansion of knowledge
# objects occurs during search string expansion. This only applies on
# the search head.
# NOTE: Do not change unless instructed to do so by Splunk Support.
enable_conditional_expansion = true
# If true, always dispatch saved searches as the requesting user.
# The default for dispatchAs in the file
# is 'owner'.
force_saved_search_dispatch_as_user = false
# Max length of custom job id when passing spawning new job.
max_id_length = 150
# Specifies the maximum length of a generated or custom search job ID before
# the Splunk software shortens the directory name. The search job ID itself
# remains the same.
max_id_length_before_hash = 230
# Specifies whether the Splunk software reruns all or elements of a currently
# running search process when there are indexer failures in an indexer
# clustering environment.
search_retry = false
# Sets how long, in seconds, 'search_retry' waits to get updated
# indexer information.
search_retry_waiting_time = 70
# Maximum number of attempts made to retry a historical search before failing
# Only applied when search_retry is set to true
search_retry_max_historical = 15
# Stack size of the search executing thread.
stack_size = 4194304
# Use precomputed summaries if possible?
summary_mode = all
# Track indextime range of searches (shown in job inspector).
track_indextime_range = true
# By default use bloom filter.
use_bloomfilter = true
# By default use metadata elimination.
use_metadata_elimination = true
# Serialization format and compression algorithm used for search results
results_serial_format = srs
results_compression_algorithm = zstd
# Record search telemetry in search_telemetry.json in the dispatch dir
# The setting in telemetry.conf controls whether the data is sent back,
# this setting controls whether we generate search telemetry data in the
# dispatch dir. Search telemetry data is also put into _introspection.
record_search_telemetry = true
# Number of files to use as a threshold at which to stop adding more
# files to var/run/splunk/search_telemetry for indexing search telemetry
# data. This setting applies only to telemetry on the search head.
search_telemetry_file_limit = 500
# Limit, in bytes, for each of the constituent components of the search
# telemetry json representation
search_telemetry_component_limit = 10000
# track of the number of events of each sourcetype that match a search
track_matching_sourcetypes = true
# timeout to launch a search job
search_launch_timeout_seconds = 180
# timeout to initialize startup configuration, in milliseconds
search_startup_config_timeout_ms = 3000
# maximum number of tracked search result sourcetypes to add to audit.log
max_audit_sourcetypes = 100
use_search_evaluator_v2 = true
# The maximum number of field metadata displayed in the /jobs/fieldmeta endpoint.
max_fieldmeta_cnt_ui = 1000
# Parsing
# This section contains settings related to parsing searches.
# Max recursion depth for macros.
# Considered a search exception if macro expansion does not stop after
# this many levels.
max_macro_depth = 100
# Max recursion depth for subsearch.
# Considered a search exception if subsearch does not stop after
# this many levels.
max_subsearch_depth = 8
# The minimum length of a prefix before a * to ask the index about.
min_prefix_len = 1
# When true, always search the lexicon for both field::val and val for
# field=val searches, unless INDEXED=true is set for the field in
# in fields.conf (in which case only field::val is searched)
always_include_indexedfield_lispy = true
# When set to true, we will scope every indexed field=val statement
# with sourcetype and convert it to the indexed form (field::val)
indexed_fields_expansion = true
# Preview
# This section contains settings for previews.
# The maximum time to spend generating previews, as a fraction of total
# search time.
preview_duty_cycle = 0.25
# Quota or queued searches
# This section contains settings for quota or queued searches.
# Default setting for allowing async jobs to be queued if quota violation.
default_allow_queue = true
# The maximum number of times to retry to dispatch a search when the
# quota has been reached.
dispatch_quota_retry = 4
# Milliseconds between retrying to dispatch a search if a quota has been
# reached. We retry the given number of times, with each successive wait
# 2x longer than the previous.
dispatch_quota_sleep_ms = 100
# Enforce cumulative role based quotas
enable_cumulative_quota = false
# how often to retry queued jobs (in seconds)
queued_job_check_freq = 1
# Reading chunk controls
# This section contains settings for reading chunk controls.
# max_results_perchunk, min_results_perchunk, and target_time_perchunk
# are multiplied by this for a long running search.
chunk_multiplier = 5
# Time in seconds until a search is considered "long running”.
long_search_threshold = 2
# Maximum raw size of results for each call to search (in dispatch).
# 0 = no limit, not affected by chunk_multiplier.
max_rawsize_perchunk = 100000000
# Maximum results per call to search (in dispatch).
# Must be <= maxresultrows.
max_results_perchunk = 2500
# Minimum results per call to search (in dispatch).
# Must be <= max_results_perchunk.
min_results_perchunk = 100
# Target duration of a particular call to fetch search results in ms.
target_time_perchunk = 2000
# Real-time
# This section contains settings for real-time searches.
# For real-time searches in the UI, maximum number of events stored
# (as a FIFO buffer).
realtime_buffer = 10000
# Remote storage
# This section contains settings for remote storage.
# Maximum number of remote buckets to localize as a look-ahead on searches.
bucket_localize_max_lookahead = 5
# Specifies which bucket prediction algorithm to use.
bucket_predictor = consec_not_needed
# Results storage
# This section contains settings for storing final search results.
# The maximum number of end results to store globally
# (when status_buckets=0).
max_count = 500000
# By default, no timeline information is retained. UI will supply the
# status_buckets as needed.
status_buckets = 0
# Truncate report output to max_count?
truncate_report = false
# Do we write multi-file results to results_dir?
write_multifile_results_out = true
# For event searches should we read final results from the timeliner
read_final_results_from_timeliner = true
# Field filters are turned off by default in the preview release.
field_filters = false
# Search process
# This section contains settings for search process configurations.
# Even if the search process has not been idle for the above time, check its
# internal caches for stale data after this many searches.
idle_process_cache_search_count = 8
# If a search process is idle for this many seconds, take the opportunity
# to scan its internal caches for stale data.
idle_process_cache_timeout = 0.5
# Periodically we'll check if we have too many idle search processes.
# This controls how often that happens (in seconds).
idle_process_reaper_period = auto
# Inside a search process, keep up to this many compiled regex artifacts
# before checking for stale ones. Normally the above idle_process_cache_*
# settings will check for stale entries before this limit is hit.
idle_process_regex_cache_hiwater = 2500
# When running a search, scan at most this many idle processes before
# launching a new one.
launcher_max_idle_checks = auto
# Number of server threads dedicated to managing communication with
# search processes.
# Negative number means automatically pick a sensible value
launcher_threads = -1
# Maximum number of preforked search processes that are idle
# and wait for next search execution
max_idle_process_count = auto
# Memory (RSS) limit of a search process that can be idle and reusable, in KB
# Number 0 is set to use the system default, 1024*1024 KB (1GB)
# Negative number means no limit
max_idle_process_memory = auto
# The number of search processes constructing a pool to run searches, which is
# dependent on system resources (CPU and memory) available to Splunk server
# Number 0 is set to automatically pick a sensible value
# Negative number means no limit
max_search_process_pool = 2048
# When reaping idle search processes, allow one to be reaped if it is
# not using the most recent configuration bundle, and its bundle has not
# been used in at least this many seconds.
max_old_bundle_idle_time = auto
# On UNIX we can run more that one search per process.
# Set this to a number greater than one to enable.
max_searches_per_process = 500
# When running more than one search per process, limit the number of new
# searches that can be started before allowing time to service the ones
# that are already running
max_searches_started_per_cycle = 30
# When running more than one search per process, don't allow a process to
# accumulate more than this number of seconds running searches. Note that a
# search can run longer than this without being terminated, it only prevents
# the process from being used for another search
max_time_per_process = auto
# When running more than one search per process, do not reuse a process
# if it is older than this number of seconds. This is different than
# max_time_per_process because it includes time the process spent idle.
process_max_age = 7200.0
# Don't reuse a process that last served a different user unless it has
# been idle this long (in seconds).
process_min_age_before_user_change = auto
search_process_mode = auto
# Whether to increase oom_score of search processes to make splunk more stable.
search_process_configure_oom_score_adj = true
# The value added to search process, ranging between 0 and 1000.
# Only applies when 'search_process_configure_oom_score_adj' is set to true.
search_process_set_oom_score_adj = 700
# search_messages.log
# Specifies whether splunkd promotes user-facing search messages
# from $SPLUNK_HOME/var/run/splunk/dispatch/<sid>/info.csv to
# $SPLUNK_HOME/var/log/splunk/search_messages.log.
log_search_messages = true
# When 'log_search_messages = true', this setting specifies the lowest
# severity of message that splunkd logs to search_messages.log.
# Splunkd ignores all messages with a lower severity.
# Possible values in ascending order: DEBUG, INFO, WARN, ERROR
search_messages_severity = WARN
# Search reuse
# This section contains settings for search reuse.
# Splunk Analytics for Hadoop
# This section contains settings for use with Splunk Analytics for Hadoop.
# The maximum time to spend doing reduce, as a fraction of total search time.
reduce_duty_cycle = 0.25
# The frequency with which try to reduce intermediate data when there is
# a non-streaming and non-stateful streaming command. (0 = never)
reduce_freq = 10
# Status
# This section contains settings for search status.
# The number of search job metadata to cache in RAM.
status_cache_size = 10000
# Timelines
# This section contains settings for timelines.
# Size of thread pool for remote event download framework.
remote_event_download_initialize_pool = 5
remote_event_download_finalize_pool = 5
remote_event_download_local_pool = 5
# Allow timeline to be map/reduced?
remote_timeline = true
# Whether to fetch all events accessible through the timeline from the
# remote peers before the job is considered done.
remote_timeline_fetchall = 1
# Minimum number of peers required to utilize remote timelining.
remote_timeline_min_peers = 1
# How often to touch remote artifacts to keep them from being reaped
# when search has not finished? (in seconds).
remote_timeline_touchperiod = 300
# Timeouts for fetching remote timeline events.
remote_timeline_connection_timeout = 5
remote_timeline_send_timeout = 10
remote_timeline_receive_timeout = 10
# In ms
search_keepalive_frequency = 30000
# Maximum number of uninterrupted keepalives before the connection is closed.
search_keepalive_max = 100
# Enable timeline preview
timeline_events_preview = false
# This section contains time to live (ttl) settings.
# The length of time to persist search cache entries (in seconds).
cache_ttl = 300
# How long jobs are saved for by default.
default_save_ttl = 604800
# How long searches should be stored on disk once failed.
failed_job_ttl = 86400
# How long should searches run for a search head live on the indexers.
remote_ttl = 600
# How long searches should be stored on disk once completed.
ttl = 600
# Timeout value for checking search marker files like hotbucketmarker or backfill
# marker.
check_search_marker_done_interval = 60
# Time interval of sleeping between subsequent search marker files checks.
check_search_marker_sleep_interval = 1
# How long srtemp sub-directories should be kept before they are deleted
srtemp_dir_ttl = 86400
# Distributed search throttling
# This section contains settings for distributed search throttling (peers
# side) information.
max_concurrent = 12
min_memory_per_search = 134217728
# This section contains the stanzas for the SPL commands, except for the
# search command, which is in a separate section.
maxresultrows = 50000
# Maximum number of distinct values for a field.
maxvalues = 0
# Maximum size in bytes of any single value
# (truncated to this size if larger).
maxvaluesize = 0
maxfields = 10000
maxvalues = 0
maxvaluesize = 0
maxp = 10000
maxrange = 1000
# Setting for multivalue field representations in collect command.
format_multivalue_collect = false
# Setting for collect command to add quotation marks based on major breakers.
collect_ignore_minor_breakers = false
# Maximum concurrency level to keep record of.
max_count = 10000000
maxfields = 1000
# This stanza contains settings for the contingency/ctable/counttable
# command.
maxvalues = 1000
maxresultrows = 50000
# This stanza contains settings for the bin/bucket/discretize command.
maxbins = 50000
# if maxbins not specified or = 0, defaults to searchresults::maxresultrows
maxevents = 50000
# At the lowest level of the tree, i.e. ZL=0 (when we are zoomed out to
# the world level ), what is the size of each gridcell in terms of latitude
# and longitude (degrees)?
# Valid values for zl_0_gridcell_latspan are from 0 to 180.0, and
# for zl_0_gridcell_longspan are from 0 to 360.0.
# Rest of the zoom level gridcell sizes are auto-tuning, i.e. will
# reduce by a factor of 2 at each additional level.
zl_0_gridcell_latspan = 22.5
zl_0_gridcell_longspan = 45.0
# Configures the filtering/search strategy for events on the map.
# Currently experimental.
filterstrategy = 2
# How many levels of clustering will be done in geostats.
maxzoomlevel = 9
# Maximum number of retries for creating a tmp directory (with random
# name in SPLUNK_HOME/var/run/splunk).
mkdir_max_retries = 100
# The join command subsearch is restricted by two settings, 'subsearch_maxout'
# and the 'maxresultrows' setting in the [searchresults] stanza.
subsearch_maxout = 50000
subsearch_maxtime = 60
maxdatapoints = 100000000
maxkvalue = 1000
maxkrange = 100
# Maximum size of static lookup file to use a in-memory index for.
max_memtable_bytes = 26214400
# Maximum size of static lookup file to use when using a lookup()
# eval function in the ingest context
# Defaults to 10MB
ingest_max_memtable_bytes = 10485760
# Period of time after which we should refresh in-memory lookup
# tables being used with lookup() eval function at ingest time.
ingest_lookup_refresh_period_secs = 60
# Maximum reverse lookup matches (for search expansion).
max_reverse_matches = 50
# Default setting for if non-memory file lookups (for large files)
# should batch queries.
# Can be overridden using a lookup table's stanza in transforms.conf.
batch_index_query = true
# When doing batch request, what's the most matches to retrieve?
# If more than this limit of matches would otherwise be retrieved,
# we will fall back to non-batch mode matching.
batch_response_limit = 5000000
# Maximum number of lookup error messages that should be logged.
max_lookup_messages = 20
# time to live for an indexed csv
indexed_csv_ttl = 300
# keep alive token file period
indexed_csv_keep_alive_timeout = 30
# max time for the CSV indexing
indexed_csv_inprogress_max_timeout = 300
# whether we want to error on invalid lookups or let them proceed.
input_errors_fatal = false
# Should KV Store lookups be indexed at time of bundle replication?
enable_splunkd_kv_lookup_indexing = true
maxresultrows = 10000
# The most metadata results to fetch from each indexer.
maxcount = 100000
bucket_localize_max_lookahead = 10
condition_evaluation_interval = 1
search_delay = 15s+
search_ttl = 2p
honor_action = false
chunk_size = 1000
target_per_timeseries = 5
max_mem_usage_mb = 500
max_mem_usage_mb = 500
# Specifies if the outputlookup command should check if the user
# has write permission on the lookup file.
# The permission is set in the .meta file.
outputlookup_check_permission = false
# Specifies the context where the lookup file will be created for the first time.
create_context = app
maxresultrows = 50000
# Maximum distinct value vectors to keep track of.
maxvalues = 0
maxvaluesize = 0
allow_reload = false
maxresultrows = 50000
# maximum number of concurrent files to open
maxfiles = 64
# Number of characters to read from an XML or JSON event when
# auto extracting.
extraction_cutoff = 5000
extract_all = true
max_keymap_rows = 1000000
maxresultrows = 50000
maxvalues = 0
maxvaluesize = 0
# For streamstats's maximum window size.
max_stream_window = 10000
# For rdigest, used to approximate order statistics (median, percentiles).
rdigest_k = 100
rdigest_maxnodes = 1
tdigest_k = 50
tdigest_max_buffer_size = 1000
tmpfile_compression = lz4
tmpfile_compression_level = 0
perc_digest_type = tdigest
list_maxsize = 100
min_chunk_size_kb = 64
max_chunk_size_kb = 4096
chunk_size_double_every = 100
# Determines whether to return results for searches with time-sensitive
# aggregations and missing or invalid timestamps in input events.
check_for_invalid_time = false
max_keymap_rows = 1000000
maxvalues = 0
maxvaluesize = 0
rdigest_k = 100
rdigest_maxnodes = 1
tdigest_k = 50
tdigest_max_buffer_size = 1000
perc_digest_type = tdigest
max_valuemap_bytes = 100000
maxresultrows = 50000
# Maximum distinct value vectors to keep track of.
maxvalues = 0
maxvaluesize = 0
# Maximum number of open transaction or events in open.
# Transaction before transaction eviction happens.
maxopentxn = 5000
maxopenevents = 100000
# Default value of 'squashcase' arg if not specified by the command.
squashcase = false
# Default value of 'keepresults' arg if not specified by the command.
keepresults = false
# The max allowed size of tsidx files to create in megabytes.
# 0 implies no limit
optimize_max_size_mb = 256
# Whether we apply role-based search filters when users run tstats
# on normal index data (never applied on data from tscollect or
# data model acceleration).
apply_search_filter = true
# Default value of 'summariesonly' arg if not specified by the command.
summariesonly = false
# Default value of 'allow_old_summaries' arg if not specified
# by the command.
allow_old_summaries = false
# By default we retrieve up to ten million events at once from a
# TSIDX file when answering queries.
chunk_size = 10000000
# By default, do not include non-numeric values when applying
# searches that filter on numeric values.
include_events_omitted_when_filtering_numeric_values = false
# Number of search pipelines created per batch search
batch_search_max_pipeline = 1
# Should tstats use bloomfilters to eliminate buckets
use_bloomfilter = true
update_datamodel_usage_stats = true
time_bin_limit = 1000000
# Should mstats use bloomfilters to eliminate buckets
use_bloomfilter = true
maxcount = 1000
max_servers = 2
fetch_multiplier = 50
use_cache = true
cache_ttl_sec = 300
min_prefix_length = 1
max_concurrent_per_user = 3
banned_segments =
# In eventtyping, pay attention to first N characters of any
# attribute (e.g., _raw), including individual tokens. Can be
# overridden by supplying the typer operator with the argument.
# maxlen (e.g. "|typer maxlen=300").
maxlen = 10000
max_mem_usage_mb = 200
# This section contains the stanzas for a variety of general settings.
cache_timeout = 600
maintenance_period = 1800
return_actions_with_normalized_ids = fromcontext
normalized_summaries = true
detailed_dashboard = true
shc_accurate_access_counts = false
disable_transparent_mode_federation = false
# The max number of tokens reported by logging input metrics.
max_number_of_tokens = 10000
# The interval (in seconds) of logging input metrics report.
metrics_report_interval = 60
# The max request content length (800MB, to match HTTP server).
max_content_length = 838860800
# The max number of ACK channels.
max_number_of_ack_channel = 1000000
# The max number of acked requests pending query.
max_number_of_acked_requests_pending_query = 10000000
# The max number of acked requests pending query per ACK channel.
max_number_of_acked_requests_pending_query_per_ack_channel = 1000000
# Maximum number of bytes to read from each file during preview.
max_preview_bytes = 2000000
# Maximum number of results to emit per call to preview data generator.
max_results_perchunk = 2500
# Loosely-applied maximum on number of preview data objects held in memory.
soft_preview_queue_size = 100
# Threshold size (in mb) to trigger fishbucket rolling to a new db.
file_tracking_db_threshold_mb = 500
# Approximate ceiling on source types & fingerprints in learned app.
learned_sourcetypes_limit = 1000
# Maximum size (in mb) of heap allowed to be created by Splunk modular
# input MonitorNoHandle.
monitornohandle_max_heap_mb = 0
# When non-zero, the point at which kv should stop creating new columns.
maxcols = 512
# Maximum number of keys auto kv can generate.
# Set this value to 0 to not impose any limit on auto kv limit and indexed kv limit.
limit = 100
# Maximum number of key-value pairs that can be extracted at index time.
# Set this value to 0 to not impose any limit on indexed kv limit.
indexed_kv_limit = 200
# Truncate _raw to to this size and then do auto KV.
maxchars = 10240
max_extractor_time = 1000
avg_extractor_time = 500
# The max number of accelerations that can be assigned to a single collection.
# Valid values range from 0 to 50
max_accelerations_per_collection = 10
# The max number of fields that can be part of an acceleration.
# Valid values range from 0 to 30
max_fields_per_acceleration = 10
# The max number of rows that will be returned per query.
max_rows_per_query = 50000
# The max number of queries that can be run as part of the same batch.
max_queries_per_batch = 1000
# The max size of a query result in MB.
max_size_per_result_mb = 50
# The max size of a batch save operation in MB.
max_size_per_batch_save_mb = 50
# The max number of documents of a batch save operation.
max_documents_per_batch_save = 1000
# The max size of a batched query result in MB.
max_size_per_batch_result_mb = 100
# The max number of rows in memory before flushing them to CSV projection.
max_rows_in_memory_per_dump = 200
# The max number of threads to use for outputlookup.
max_threads_per_outputlookup = 1
# The interval in seconds at which the status of KV Store migration or
# KV Store upgrade is polled for search head cluster members.
periodic_timer_interval = 10
# The maximum number of intervals that a search head cluster member's
# failed status can remain unchanged during KV Store migration or upgrade.
max_failed_status_unchanged_count = 30
max_inactive = auto
lowater_inactive = auto
inactive_eligibility_age_seconds = 330
# Maximum number of users we will attempt to precache from LDAP after
# reloading auth.
max_users_to_precache = 1000
# Controls whether we allow login when we find multiple entries with the
# same value for the username attribute.
allow_multiple_matching_users = true
# The number of series to include in the per_x_thruput reports in
# metrics.log.
maxseries = 10
# 30 seconds metrics logging interval
interval = 30
interval = 30
interval = 30
interval = 30
interval = 30
interval = 30
interval = 30
interval = 30
interval = 30
interval = 30
interval = 30
interval = 120
interval = 120
interval = 120
interval = 120
interval = 120
interval = 120
interval = 120
interval = 120
interval = 120
# Keep each connection metrics.
aggregate_metrics = false
# Keep _tcp_Bps, _tcp_KBps, _tcp_avg_thruput, _tcp_Kprocessed that can
# be derived from kb.
suppress_derived_info = false
# The max number of rows that the pdfgen rendering engine (not PDF Report
# Server app) will render for any individual table or event listing.
max_rows_per_table = 1000
# The number of seconds after which the pdfgen render endpoint will timeout
# if it has not yet finished rendering the PDF output.
render_endpoint_timeout = 3600
# The number of seconds after which the Chromium engine will timeout if the
# engine still needs to render the dashboard output.
# This setting does not impact the render_chromium_screenshot_delay.
render_chromium_timeout = 30
# The number of seconds after which the Chromium engine takes a screenshot
# of a dashboard to render before exporting the dashboard.
# This setting does not impact the render_chromium_timeout setting.
render_chromium_screenshot_delay = 0
# Maximum result rows to be return by /events or /results getters from
maxresultrows = 50000
# Regex constraint on time_format and output_time_format for search
# endpoints.
time_format_reject = [<>!]
# Truncate the properties over this length in the contents dictionary
# of a job entry from the jobs endpoint.
# 0 means don't truncate.
jobscontentmaxcount = 0
# Determines whether we want to hard error for REST command searches
restprocessor_errors_fatal = false
# The maximum number of persistent processes that EAI custom REST handlers can create to serve REST API calls in persistent mode.
max_persistent_connections = 3000
# Default options for indexer support of real-time searches.
# These can all be overridden for a single search via REST API arguments.
# Size of queue for each real-time search.
queue_size = 10000
# Should indexer block if a queue is full?
blocking = false
# Maximum time to block if the queue is full.
# Meaningless if blocking = false.
max_blocking_secs = 60
# Should the indexer prefilter events for efficiency?
indexfilter = true
# Should real-time windowed searches backfill with historical data by default?
default_backfill = true
# Should real-time windowed searches sort events to be in descending time order?
enforce_time_order = true
# Should we use indexedRealtime by default?
indexed_realtime_use_by_default = false
# Number of seconds to wait for disk flushes to finish with
# indexed/continuous/pseudo realtime search.
indexed_realtime_disk_sync_delay = 60
# Minimum seconds to wait between component index searches during an
# indexed realtime search.
indexed_realtime_default_span = 1
# Max number of seconds allowed to fall behind realtime before we drop data
# and reset back to the default span from realtime.
indexed_realtime_maximum_span = 0
# Frequency to fetch updated bucket list.
indexed_realtime_update_interval = 30
# This limits the frequency that we will trigger alerts during a
# realtime search.
alerting_period_ms = 0
match_limit = 100000
depth_limit = 1000
# Max percent of time allowed for reverse dns lookups for incoming
# forwarder connections before WARN is logged in splunkd.log.
# Sanity check diagnostic for slow lookups.
rdnsMaxDutyCycle = 10
# Uses a separate thread to fetch scheduled and auto summarize saved searches
# asynchronously.
async_saved_search_fetch = true
# The interval at which scheduled and auto summarize saved searches
# will be fetched asynchronously.
async_saved_search_interval = 30
# The interval at which scheduled saved searches will be evaluated for
# admission rules asynchronously.
async_admission_eval_interval = 600
saved_searches_disabled = false
# The maximum number of searches the scheduler can run, as a percentage
# of the maximum number of concurrent searches.
max_searches_perc = 50
# Fraction of concurrent scheduler searches to use for auto summarization.
auto_summary_perc = 50
# Every search should run as soon possible after its next scheduled time.
# However, each is penalized by its average runtime thus allowing
# shorter-running searches to run sooner and not potentially starve.
# However, since many searches run in fractions of a second and the
# priority type is integral and based on seconds, adding a raw runtime is
# too small to alter the result. Therefore, we scale the runtime.
priority_runtime_factor = 10
# A potential issue with the priority_runtime_factor is that now
# longer-running searches may get starved. To balance this out, make a
# search's priority lower (better) the more times it has been skipped.
# The adjustment should be normalized by the search's period, i.e., an
# infrequent search that has been skipped should get a lower (better) score
# than a frequent search that has been skipped the same number of times.
# Eventually, this adjustment will outweigh any worse priority due to a long
# runtime. The priority_skipped_factor controls how quickly this happens.
priority_skipped_factor = 1
# The amount of time, in seconds, to delay retrying a scheduled search that
# failed to dispatch (usually due to hitting concurrency limits).
dispatch_retry_delay = 0
# The maximum number of minutes to defer running continuous scheduled searches
# while waiting for the KV Store to come up in order to load historical data.
# This is used to prevent gaps in continuous scheduled searches when splunkd
# was down.
# Use [<int>]<unit> to specify a duration; a missing <int> defaults to 1.
# Relevant units are: s, sec, second, secs, seconds, m, min, minute, mins,
# minutes.
# For example: "60s" = 60 seconds, "5m" = 5 minutes.
search_history_load_timeout = 2m
# The number of runtimes kept for each search that are used to calculate the
# historical average runtime during search prioritization.
search_history_max_runtimes = 10
# The maximum amount of time to run missed continuous scheduled searches for
# once Splunk comes back up in the event it was down.
# Use [<int>]<unit> to specify a duration; a missing <int> defaults to 1.
# Relevant units are: min, minute, mins, minutes, h, hr, hour, hrs, hours, d,
# day, days, w, week, weeks, mon, month, months.
# For example: "5m" = 5 minutes, "1h" = 1 hour.
# A value of 0 means no lookback.
max_continuous_scheduled_search_lookback = 24h
# The amount of time to "look back" when reporting introspection statistics.
# For example: what is the number of dispatched searches in the last 60 minutes?
# Use [<int>]<unit> to specify a duration; a missing <int> defaults to 1.
# Relevant units are: m, min, minute, mins, minutes, h, hr, hour, hrs, hours,
# d, day, days, w, week, weeks.
# For example: "5m" = 5 minutes, "1h" = 1 hour.
introspection_lookback = 1h
# Maximum number of results to load when triggering an action.
max_action_results = 50000
action_execution_threads = 10
actions_queue_size = 500
actions_queue_timeout = 30
alerts_max_count = 50000
alerts_max_history = 7d
alerts_expire_period = 120
persistence_period = 30
# Maximum number of lock files to keep around for each scheduled search.
# Effective only if search head pooling is enabled, the most recent files
# are kept.
max_lock_files = 5
# The lock file reaper should clean lock files that are this old (in seconds).
max_lock_file_ttl = 86400
max_per_result_alerts = 500
scheduled_view_timeout = 60m
# Scheduler timeout for printing a throttled warning message
# if we're hitting scheduler concurrency limits.
concurrency_message_throttle_time = 10m
# By default the scheduler should not run jobs on itself in search head
# pooling mode. It should dispatch to pool members.
shp_dispatch_to_member = true
# In 6.3 and beyond Search Head Clustering has implemented role quota
# enforcement. Set this to true to enable this feature.
shc_role_quota_enforcement = false
shc_syswide_quota_enforcement = false
# Add more detail to the per-search metrics.
debug_metrics = false
# Maximum events retrievable by show source.
max_count = 10000
max_timebefore = 1day
max_timeafter = 1day
distributed = true
# Maximum events we will request in the distributed show source.
# Likely all of these will not be used.
distributed_search_limit = 30000
# Maximum number of clusters to create.
maxclusters = 10000
# Settings for the heuristic that will detect and disconnect slow peers
# towards the end of a search that has returned a large volume of data.
disabled = true
# is this feature enabled.
# Defaults to true
batch_search_activation_fraction = 0.9
# The fraction of peers that must have completed before we start disconnecting.
# This is only applicable to batch search because the slow peers will not hold
# back the fast peers.
# Defaults to 0.9
packets_per_data_point = 500
# Rate statistics will be sampled once every packets_per_data_point packets.
sensitivity = 0.3
# Sensitivity of the heuristic to newer values. For larger values of
# sensitivity the heuristic will give more weight to newer statistic.
grace_period_before_disconnect = 0.10
# If the heuristic consistently claims that the peer is slow for at least
# <grace_period_before_disconnect>*life_time_of_collector seconds then only
# will we disconnect the peer.
threshold_data_volume = 100
# The volume of uncompressed data that must have accumulated in KB from
# a peer before we consider them in the heuristic.
threshold_connection_life_time = 5
# All peers will be given an initial grace period of at least these many
# seconds before we consider them in the heuristic.
bound_on_disconnect_threshold_as_fraction_of_mean = 0.2
# If network is too homogenous resulting in very low standard deviations
# this value may be tweaked to ensure that the thresholds we set are not
# too close to the mean. If threshold is an upper bound
# threshold >= mean*(1+bound_on_threshold) and if the threshold is a
# lower bound threshold <= mean*(1-bound_on_threshold).
# The actual threshold is computed during the search based on the mean
# and std. deviations of network statistics.
poll_buckets_until_maxtime = false
bucket_refresh_interval = 30
bucket_refresh_interval_cluster = 120
auto_finalize_secs_after_maxtime = 300
insufficient_search_capabilities = enabled
orphan_searches = enabled
installed_files_integrity = enabled
installed_files_integrity_interval = 12h
# See limits.conf.spec file for details.
# Throughput limiting at index time.
maxKBps = 0
# Is the viewstate reaper enabled?
enable_reaper = true
# How often does the reaper run?
reaper_freq = 86400
# How many viewstates does the reaper consider "acceptable"?
reaper_soft_warn_level = 1000
# Teaper eligibility age.
ttl = 86400
enable_reaper = true
reaper_freq = 86400
# This section contains global and specific optimization settings
enabled = true
enabled = true
enabled = true
enabled = true
enabled = true
enabled = true
enabled = true
enabled = true
inputlookup_merge = true
merge_to_base_search = true
enabled = true
enabled = true
fields = eventtype, tag
enabled = true
enabled = true
enabled = true
enabled = true
enabled = true
enabled = true
detect_search_time_field_collisions = true
enabled = true
enabled = true
detect_search_time_field_collisions = true
stats = false
required_tags = enabled
required_eventtypes = enabled
read_summary = enabled
# The maximum number of valid indexers that can be used as intermediate
# reducers in the reducing phase of a parallel reduce operation.
maxReducersPerPhase = 20
# The percentage of valid indexers that can be selected from the search peers
# as intermediate reducers for a parallel reduce search operation.
winningRate = 50
# Timeout value setting to ensure that adequate time is provided for indexers and intermediate indexers to get paired
rdinPairingTimeout = 30
# The percentage of search queries to run as prjob in total traffic.
autoAppliedPercentage = 0
# Use parallel reduce processing to improve the performance of qualifying
# ad-hoc searches.
autoAppliedToAdhocSearches = false
# The maximum amount of preview cache memory usage allowed for parallel reduce
# search, in MB.
maxPreviewMemUsageMb = 100
# Feature flag: preview for parallel reduce
enablePreview = true
# The list of commands that will not utilize parallel reduce
disabledCommandList = addinfo
# Threshold on lowest rollup interval allowed
minSpanAllowed = 300
# Sets the output format from mcollect to use single value format always.
always_use_single_value_output = true
enable_install_apps = false
use_segmenter_v2 = true
stack_files_ttl = 7d
stack_files_removal_period = 1h
rfs.provider.rawdata_limit_mb = 1024
rfs.provider.max_workers = 4
rfsS3DestinationOff = false
origin = all

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