import operator from jmespath import functions from jmespath.compat import string_type from numbers import Number def _equals(x, y): if _is_special_number_case(x, y): return False else: return x == y def _is_special_number_case(x, y): # We need to special case comparing 0 or 1 to # True/False. While normally comparing any # integer other than 0/1 to True/False will always # return False. However 0/1 have this: # >>> 0 == True # False # >>> 0 == False # True # >>> 1 == True # True # >>> 1 == False # False # # Also need to consider that: # >>> 0 in [True, False] # True if _is_actual_number(x) and x in (0, 1): return isinstance(y, bool) elif _is_actual_number(y) and y in (0, 1): return isinstance(x, bool) def _is_comparable(x): # The spec doesn't officially support string types yet, # but enough people are relying on this behavior that # it's been added back. This should eventually become # part of the official spec. return _is_actual_number(x) or isinstance(x, string_type) def _is_actual_number(x): # We need to handle python's quirkiness with booleans, # specifically: # # >>> isinstance(False, int) # True # >>> isinstance(True, int) # True if isinstance(x, bool): return False return isinstance(x, Number) class Options(object): """Options to control how a JMESPath function is evaluated.""" def __init__(self, dict_cls=None, custom_functions=None): #: The class to use when creating a dict. The interpreter # may create dictionaries during the evaluation of a JMESPath # expression. For example, a multi-select hash will # create a dictionary. By default we use a dict() type. # You can set this value to change what dict type is used. # The most common reason you would change this is if you # want to set a collections.OrderedDict so that you can # have predictable key ordering. self.dict_cls = dict_cls self.custom_functions = custom_functions class _Expression(object): def __init__(self, expression, interpreter): self.expression = expression self.interpreter = interpreter def visit(self, node, *args, **kwargs): return self.interpreter.visit(node, *args, **kwargs) class Visitor(object): def __init__(self): self._method_cache = {} def visit(self, node, *args, **kwargs): node_type = node['type'] method = self._method_cache.get(node_type) if method is None: method = getattr( self, 'visit_%s' % node['type'], self.default_visit) self._method_cache[node_type] = method return method(node, *args, **kwargs) def default_visit(self, node, *args, **kwargs): raise NotImplementedError("default_visit") class TreeInterpreter(Visitor): COMPARATOR_FUNC = { 'eq': _equals, 'ne': lambda x, y: not _equals(x, y), 'lt':, 'gt':, 'lte': operator.le, 'gte': } _EQUALITY_OPS = ['eq', 'ne'] MAP_TYPE = dict def __init__(self, options=None): super(TreeInterpreter, self).__init__() self._dict_cls = self.MAP_TYPE if options is None: options = Options() self._options = options if options.dict_cls is not None: self._dict_cls = self._options.dict_cls if options.custom_functions is not None: self._functions = self._options.custom_functions else: self._functions = functions.Functions() def default_visit(self, node, *args, **kwargs): raise NotImplementedError(node['type']) def visit_subexpression(self, node, value): result = value for node in node['children']: result = self.visit(node, result) return result def visit_field(self, node, value): try: return value.get(node['value']) except AttributeError: return None def visit_comparator(self, node, value): # Common case: comparator is == or != comparator_func = self.COMPARATOR_FUNC[node['value']] if node['value'] in self._EQUALITY_OPS: return comparator_func( self.visit(node['children'][0], value), self.visit(node['children'][1], value) ) else: # Ordering operators are only valid for numbers. # Evaluating any other type with a comparison operator # will yield a None value. left = self.visit(node['children'][0], value) right = self.visit(node['children'][1], value) num_types = (int, float) if not (_is_comparable(left) and _is_comparable(right)): return None return comparator_func(left, right) def visit_current(self, node, value): return value def visit_expref(self, node, value): return _Expression(node['children'][0], self) def visit_function_expression(self, node, value): resolved_args = [] for child in node['children']: current = self.visit(child, value) resolved_args.append(current) return self._functions.call_function(node['value'], resolved_args) def visit_filter_projection(self, node, value): base = self.visit(node['children'][0], value) if not isinstance(base, list): return None comparator_node = node['children'][2] collected = [] for element in base: if self._is_true(self.visit(comparator_node, element)): current = self.visit(node['children'][1], element) if current is not None: collected.append(current) return collected def visit_flatten(self, node, value): base = self.visit(node['children'][0], value) if not isinstance(base, list): # Can't flatten the object if it's not a list. return None merged_list = [] for element in base: if isinstance(element, list): merged_list.extend(element) else: merged_list.append(element) return merged_list def visit_identity(self, node, value): return value def visit_index(self, node, value): # Even though we can index strings, we don't # want to support that. if not isinstance(value, list): return None try: return value[node['value']] except IndexError: return None def visit_index_expression(self, node, value): result = value for node in node['children']: result = self.visit(node, result) return result def visit_slice(self, node, value): if not isinstance(value, list): return None s = slice(*node['children']) return value[s] def visit_key_val_pair(self, node, value): return self.visit(node['children'][0], value) def visit_literal(self, node, value): return node['value'] def visit_multi_select_dict(self, node, value): if value is None: return None collected = self._dict_cls() for child in node['children']: collected[child['value']] = self.visit(child, value) return collected def visit_multi_select_list(self, node, value): if value is None: return None collected = [] for child in node['children']: collected.append(self.visit(child, value)) return collected def visit_or_expression(self, node, value): matched = self.visit(node['children'][0], value) if self._is_false(matched): matched = self.visit(node['children'][1], value) return matched def visit_and_expression(self, node, value): matched = self.visit(node['children'][0], value) if self._is_false(matched): return matched return self.visit(node['children'][1], value) def visit_not_expression(self, node, value): original_result = self.visit(node['children'][0], value) if _is_actual_number(original_result) and original_result == 0: # Special case for 0, !0 should be false, not true. # 0 is not a special cased integer in jmespath. return False return not original_result def visit_pipe(self, node, value): result = value for node in node['children']: result = self.visit(node, result) return result def visit_projection(self, node, value): base = self.visit(node['children'][0], value) if not isinstance(base, list): return None collected = [] for element in base: current = self.visit(node['children'][1], element) if current is not None: collected.append(current) return collected def visit_value_projection(self, node, value): base = self.visit(node['children'][0], value) try: base = base.values() except AttributeError: return None collected = [] for element in base: current = self.visit(node['children'][1], element) if current is not None: collected.append(current) return collected def _is_false(self, value): # This looks weird, but we're explicitly using equality checks # because the truth/false values are different between # python and jmespath. return (value == '' or value == [] or value == {} or value is None or value is False) def _is_true(self, value): return not self._is_false(value) class GraphvizVisitor(Visitor): def __init__(self): super(GraphvizVisitor, self).__init__() self._lines = [] self._count = 1 def visit(self, node, *args, **kwargs): self._lines.append('digraph AST {') current = '%s%s' % (node['type'], self._count) self._count += 1 self._visit(node, current) self._lines.append('}') return '\n'.join(self._lines) def _visit(self, node, current): self._lines.append('%s [label="%s(%s)"]' % ( current, node['type'], node.get('value', ''))) for child in node.get('children', []): child_name = '%s%s' % (child['type'], self._count) self._count += 1 self._lines.append(' %s -> %s' % (current, child_name)) self._visit(child, child_name)