You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

19 lines
682 B

# Client Settings
# Parameters under the "Settings" stanza are required for operation, along with at least 1 domain or sub-domain
# Name of Lambda Function on AWS
function_name = AWS_DDNS
# Zone ID for Hosted Zone within Route53
HostedZoneId = Z0960732328DPDEXAMPLE
# TTL to set the domains to upon update (value is in seconds). Set this close to the same duration that the client script will be ran via cron.
TTL = 300
# Comma separated list of sub-domains to update the "A" record for. (No Spaces between domain names, only a comma) Domains must be members of the above HostedZone within AWS
domain_list =,,

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