CHOICE=$(whiptail --title "HIGH AVAILABILITY" --menu "If you plan to utilize a single node instead of a clustered environment, you can disable unnecessary high availability (HA) services, thus reclaiming system resources.\n\nIf HA becomes necessary at a later stage, the services can be re-enabled.\n\nDisable high availability?" 18582\
if! systemctl is-active --quiet pve-ha-lrm;then
CHOICE=$(whiptail --title "HIGH AVAILABILITY" --menu "Enable high availability?" 10582\
"yes"" "\
"no"" " 3>&2 2>&1 1>&3)
case$CHOICE in
msg_info "Disabling high availability"
systemctl disable -q --now pve-ha-lrm
systemctl disable -q --now pve-ha-crm
systemctl disable -q --now corosync
msg_ok "Disabled high availability"
msg_info "Enabling high availability"
systemctl enable -q --now pve-ha-lrm
systemctl enable -q --now pve-ha-crm
systemctl enable -q --now corosync
msg_ok "Enabled high availability"
msg_error "Selected no to Disabling high availability"
msg_error "Selected no to Enabling high availability"
if! systemctl is-active --quiet pve-ha-lrm;then
CHOICE=$(whiptail --title "HIGH AVAILABILITY" --menu "Enable high availability?" 10582\
if systemctl is-active --quiet pve-ha-lrm;then
CHOICE=$(whiptail --title "HIGH AVAILABILITY" --menu "If you plan to utilize a single node instead of a clustered environment, you can disable unnecessary high availability (HA) services, thus reclaiming system resources.\n\nIf HA becomes necessary at a later stage, the services can be re-enabled.\n\nDisable high availability?" 18582\
"yes"" "\
"no"" " 3>&2 2>&1 1>&3)
case$CHOICE in
msg_info "Enabling high availability"
systemctl enable -q --now pve-ha-lrm
systemctl enable -q --now pve-ha-crm
systemctl enable -q --now corosync
msg_ok "Enabled high availability"
msg_info "Disabling high availability"
systemctl disable -q --now pve-ha-lrm
systemctl disable -q --now pve-ha-crm
systemctl disable -q --now corosync
msg_ok "Disabled high availability"
msg_error "Selected no to Enabling high availability"
msg_error "Selected no to Disabling high availability"