whiptail --msgbox --title "Support Subscriptions""Supporting the software's development team is essential. Check their official website's Support Subscriptions for pricing. Without their dedicated work, we wouldn't have this exceptional software."1058
msg_info "Disabling subscription nag"
echo"DPkg::Post-Invoke { \"dpkg -V proxmox-widget-toolkit | grep -q '/proxmoxlib\.js$'; if [ \$? -eq 1 ]; then { echo 'Removing subscription nag from UI...'; sed -i '/data\.status.*{/{s/\!//;s/active/NoMoreNagging/}' /usr/share/javascript/proxmox-widget-toolkit/proxmoxlib.js; }; fi\"; };" >/etc/apt/apt.conf.d/no-nag-script
msg_ok "Disabled subscription nag (Delete browser cache)"
whiptail --msgbox --title "Support Subscriptions""Supporting the software's development team is essential. Check their official website's Support Subscriptions for pricing. Without their dedicated work, we wouldn't have this exceptional software."1058
msg_error "Selected no to Disabling subscription nag"