114 lines
3.3 KiB
114 lines
3.3 KiB
9 months ago
import csv
import sys
import splunk.Intersplunk
from builtins import range
from splunk.stats_util.x11 import *
(isgetinfo, sys.argv) = splunk.Intersplunk.isGetInfo(sys.argv)
if len(sys.argv) < 2:
splunk.Intersplunk.parseError("No arguments provided")
x11InfoList = [] # list of dictionaries of information about x11
validTypes = ['add', 'mult']
maxPeriod = 10000
i = 1
period = 0
while i<len(sys.argv):
# expect argument in format: [<type>][<period>](<fieldname>) [as <newname>]
# or simply: <fieldname> [as <newname>]
arg = sys.argv[i]
pos = arg.find('(')
if pos >= 0:
if arg[-1] != ')':
splunk.Intersplunk.parseError("Invalid argument '%s': missing closing )" % arg)
field = arg[pos+1:len(arg)-1]
if arg[-1] == ')':
splunk.Intersplunk.parseError("Invalid argument '%s': missing openning (" % arg)
field = arg
if len(field) == 0 or field[0:2] == '__':
splunk.Intersplunk.parseError("Invalid or empty field '%s'" % field)
x11type = None
if pos > 0:
period_pos = 0
name = arg[0:pos]
for t in validTypes:
if name[0:len(t)] == t:
x11type = t
period_pos = len(t)
if period_pos == len(name):
period = 0
period = int(name[period_pos:])
if (period < 5) or (period > maxPeriod):
splunk.Intersplunk.parseError("Invalid x11 period for argument '%s': period can't be smaller than 5 or larger than %d" %(arg,maxPeriod))
except ValueError:
splunk.Intersplunk.parseError("Invalid x11 period or type for argument '%s'" % arg)
if x11type is None:
x11type = 'mult' # default type
newname = arg;
if i + 2 < len(sys.argv) and sys.argv[i+1].lower() == "as":
newname = sys.argv[i+2]
i += 3
i += 1
x11InfoList.append({'type' : x11type, 'period' : period,
'field' : field, 'newname' : newname,
'vals': [], 'last': None})
if isgetinfo:
splunk.Intersplunk.outputInfo(False, False, True, False, None, True)
# outputInfo automatically calls sys.exit()
results = splunk.Intersplunk.readResults(None, None, False)
for res in results:
# each res is a dict of fields to values
ti = x11InfoList[0]
if ti['field'] in res:
except ValueError:
pass # ignore non-numeric values
ti = x11InfoList[0]
vals = ti['vals']
if len(vals) == 0:
if period == 0:
ti['period'] = findPeriod(vals)
if ti['period'] < 5: ti['period'] = 5
if ti['period'] > 0 and len(vals) > 7*ti['period']: # number of values must be at least 7 times period, otherwise errors will happen
ts = TS.fromlist (vals)
ts.setPeriod (ti['period'])
if x11type == "mult":
x11 = X11(ts, "MULT")
x11 = X11(ts,"ADD")
sa = x11.seasonal_adjust()
for i in range(min(len(results),len(ts))):
results[i][ti['newname']] = str(sa[i])
else: # not enough values to do x11, so output original values
for i in range(len(results)):
results[i][ti['newname']] = str(vals[i])