# Version # # This file contains descriptions of the settings that you can use to # create multikv rules. Multikv is the process of extracting events # from table-like events, such as the output of top, ps, ls, netstat, etc. # # To set custom configurations, create a new file with the name multikv.conf in # the $SPLUNK_HOME/etc/system/local/ directory. Then add the specific settings # that you want to customize to the local configuration file. # For examples, see multikv.conf.example. You must restart the Splunk instance # to enable configuration changes. # # To learn more about configuration files (including file precedence) see the # documentation located at # http://docs.splunk.com/Documentation/Splunk/latest/Admin/Aboutconfigurationfiles # # NOTE: Only configure multikv.conf if the default multikv behavior does # not meet your needs. # A table-like event includes a table consisting of four sections: # #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Section Name | Description #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # pre | optional: info/description (for example: the system summary output in top) # header | optional: if not defined, fields are named Column_N # body | required: the body of the table from which child events are constructed # post | optional: info/description #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # NOTE: Each section must have a definition and a processing component. See # below. [] * Name of the stanza to use with the multikv search command, for example: '| multikv conf= rmorig=f | ....' * Follow this stanza name with any number of the following setting/value pairs. ##################### # Section Definition ##################### # Define where each section begins and ends.
.start = * A line matching this regex denotes the start of this section (inclusive). OR
.start_offset = * Line offset from the start of an event or the end of the previous section (inclusive). * Use this if you cannot define a regex for the start of the section.
.member = * A line membership test. * Member if lines match the regex.
.end = * A line matching this regex denotes the end of this section (exclusive). OR
.linecount = * Specify the number of lines in this section. * Use this if you cannot specify a regex for the end of the section. ##################### # Section processing ##################### # Set processing for each section.
.ignore = [_all_|_none_|_regex_ ] * Determines which member lines will be ignored and not processed further.
.replace = = , = ,... * List of the form: "toReplace" = "replaceWith". * Can have any number of quoted string pairs. * For example: "%" = "_", "#" = "_"
.tokens = [|||] * See below for definitions of each possible token: chopper, tokenizer, aligner, and token-list. = _chop_, * A token that transform each string into a list of tokens specified by . * is a list of (offset, length) tuples, separated by commas. Do not contain tuples within parentheses. * Example: body.tokens = _chop_, 0, 9, 10, 4, 15, 4, 20, 7 = _tokenize_ ()? * A token used to tokenize the string using the delimiter characters. * This generates at most 'max_tokens' number of tokens. * Set 'max_tokens' to: * -1 for complete tokenization. * 0 to inherit from the previous section, usually the header section. * A non-zero number for a specific token count. * If tokenization is limited by the 'max_tokens', the rest of the string is added onto the last token. * is a comma-separated list of delimiting characters. * - A Boolean that specifies whether to consume consecutive delimiters. Set to "false" or "0" if you want consecutive delimiters treated as empty values. * Default: true = _align_, , , * A token that generates tokens by extracting text aligned to the specified header fields. * header_string: A complete or partial header field value that the columns are aligned with. * side: Either L or R (for left or right align, respectively). * max_width: The maximum width of the extracted field. * Set 'max_width' to -1 for automatic width. This expands the field until any of the following delimiters are found: " ", "\t" = _token_list_ * A token that defines a list of static tokens in a section. * This setting is useful for tables with no header, for example: the output of 'ls -lah' which misses a header altogether.