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38 lines
877 B

# Prompt for the app name
read -p "Enter the name of your Splunk app: " APP_NAME
# Prompt for the app description
read -p "Enter a description for your Splunk app: " APP_DESCRIPTION
# Define the base directory for the app, adjust it if you have a different Splunk apps directory
# Construct the app directory path
# Create the directory structure
mkdir -p "$APP_DIR/bin"
mkdir -p "$APP_DIR/default"
mkdir -p "$APP_DIR/local"
mkdir -p "$APP_DIR/metadata"
mkdir -p "$APP_DIR/static"
mkdir -p "$APP_DIR/lookups"
# Create a basic app.conf file
cat <<EOT > "$APP_DIR/default/app.conf"
version = 1.0
description = $APP_DESCRIPTION
is_visible = 1
label = $APP_NAME
is_configured = false
echo "Splunk app $APP_NAME has been created successfully in $APP_DIR"

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