@ -56,6 +56,7 @@ if systemctl is-active -q ping-instances.service; then
systemctl stop ping-instances.service
pveam update >/dev/null 2>&1
whiptail --backtitle "Proxmox VE Helper Scripts" --title "All Templates" --yesno "This will allow for the creation of one of the many Template LXC Containers. Proceed?"1068|| exit
TEMPLATE=$(whiptail --backtitle "Proxmox VE Helper Scripts" --title "All Template LXCs" --radiolist "\nSelect a Template LXC to create:\n"16$((MSG_MAX_LENGTH +58))6"${CTID_MENU[@]}" 3>&1 1>&2 2>&3| tr -d '"')|| exit
TEMPLATE=$(whiptail --backtitle "Proxmox VE Helper Scripts" --title "All Template LXCs" --radiolist "\nSelect a Template LXC to create:\n"16$((MSG_MAX_LENGTH +58))10"${CTID_MENU[@]}" 3>&1 1>&2 2>&3| tr -d '"')|| exit
[ -z "$TEMPLATE"]&&{
whiptail --backtitle "Proxmox VE Helper Scripts" --title "No Template LXC Selected" --msgbox "It appears that no Template LXC container was selected"1068