@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ containers=$(pct list | tail -n +2 | cut -f1 -d' ')
function update_container() {
echo -e "${BL}[Info]${GN} Updating${BL} $container... ${CL}"
echo -e "${BL}[Info]${GN} Updating${BL} $container... ${CL} \n"
# to chain commands within one exec we will need to wrap them in bash
pct exec $container -- bash -c "apt update && apt upgrade -y && apt autoremove -y"
@ -41,14 +41,15 @@ for container in $containers
status=`pct status $container`
if [ "$status" == "status: stopped" ]; then
echo -e "${BL}[Info]${GN} Starting${BL} $container... ${CL}"
echo -e "${BL}[Info]${GN} Starting${BL} $container... ${CL} \n"
pct start $container
echo -e "${BL}[Info]${GN} Waiting For${BL} $container To Start... ${CL}"
echo -e "${BL}[Info]${GN} Waiting For${BL} $container To Start... ${CL} \n"
sleep 5
update_container $container
echo -e "${BL}[Info]${GN} Shutting down${BL} $container ${CL}"
echo -e "${BL}[Info]${GN} Shutting down${BL} $container ${CL} \n"
pct shutdown $container &
elif [ "$status" == "status: running" ]; then
update_container $container
done; wait
echo -e "${GN} Finished, All Containers Updated. ${CL} \n"