@ -590,6 +590,28 @@ ________________________________________________________________________________
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< summary markdown = "span" > Plex Media Server LXC< / summary >
< p align = "center" > < img src = "https://www.plex.tv/wp-content/themes/plex/assets/img/plex-logo.svg" height = "80" / > < / p >
< h1 align = "center" id = "heading" > Plex Media Server LXC < / h1 >
To create a new Proxmox Plex Media Server LXC, run the following in the Proxmox web shell.
bash -c "$(wget -qLO - https://raw.githubusercontent.com/tteck/Proxmox/main/plex_container.sh)"
< h3 align = "center" id = "heading" > ⚡ Default Settings: 2GB RAM - 8GB Storage - 2vCPU ⚡< / h3 >
After the script completes, If you're dissatisfied with the default settings, click on the LXC, then on the **_Resources_** tab and change the **_Memory_** , **_Cores_** and **_Root Disk_** (Resize disk) settings to what you desire. Changes are immediate.
**Plex Media Server Interface - IP:32400/web**
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